O Bife

Active Member
:eek: OK, before I get blasted by anyone, I haven't lived in the UK since '78!:D

So, if you don't mind me asking a stupid question, where in the UK is Briercliffe?:eek:

It looks like a neat place for a visit next time I'm over that way.

Phil "O Bife"
Its near burnley in lancashire. See www.4x4funday.com for details of events and directions! Its great fun and well worth the trip, I have been the last 3 months running and all being well, I will be back next time 2!


Thanks Mike,

Now I can locate it. It seems that it might not be too far off the beaten track for me to take a look next time we're over there in the UK. We have some friends who we stay with up in the Lake District, so it's on our way so to speak.

Not much like that over here. To dry most of the year, and when it does get wet it can be a bit too wet:D Mind you, saying that, we do have some good dry tracks around through forests and around nearly all the reservoirs, some of which are rather large.

Some years back a small group did set up an area next to one of the reservoirs for 4X4s and while it was going it was a good laugh. But some of the group got the taste for money and went a bit stupid:mad: Needless to say they didn't last long and the club ended. A pity.

Phil "O Bife"

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