
New Member
Evening All,
Thanks for all the great advice about my rather slow P38 2.5 diesel automatic, I've come to the conclusion that they are slow and I must get used to it or chip it. I changed the fuel filter, and I believe it might have been fitted with the wrong one. I have noticed a small bore, black pipe, about 8 inches long coming from the manifold direction, it isnt going anywhere and I can't see anywhere obvious to plug it back onto. Is it a breather pipe or has it a destination??
Evening All,
Thanks for all the great advice about my rather slow P38 2.5 diesel automatic, I've come to the conclusion that they are slow and I must get used to it or chip it. I changed the fuel filter, and I believe it might have been fitted with the wrong one. I have noticed a small bore, black pipe, about 8 inches long coming from the manifold direction, it isnt going anywhere and I can't see anywhere obvious to plug it back onto. Is it a breather pipe or has it a destination??

If the small bore black pipe is from the centre of the manifold it is the pressure pipe to the MAP (manifold absolute pressure sensor) if it is not connected no wonder your vehcle is slow. Should go onto sensor bolted to top of fuel filter.
Great, thanks for that, I'll have a look in the morning, is it on the left/right /middle??

The small black sensor with wires going to it, to the left of the top of the fuel filter. Looking over the wing. Pipe from under the centre of the manifold to this sensor. Without it connected the fueling with be wrong. Not enough fuel at high manifold pressure and under load. No wonder you say it's slow.
Well they all say they are slow, I just cant believe how slow. I hope this cures the problem, fingers crossed.
Well they all say they are slow, I just cant believe how slow. I hope this cures the problem, fingers crossed.

if this pipe is not connected,i bet it has had a pis powerbox fitted and the bloke you bought it of has removed it before selling the car.
Thanks Wammers and to Gemsdad, the problem is now cured, YEAY!!
Put the pipe back on the and what with the correct fuel filter, Hey Presto, good acceleration, great up hills, cruising at 70/80 mph no problem. Still tempted to chip it, but get it weaned onto bio first.
What a great forum and great advice.
Thanks Fellas.

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