Has any one received a pair of 300 head lights but was expecting a torque converter ???

I have your torque converter sitting in my kitchen the seller seems in no rush to get back to me to move it on to the rightfull owner and I need the headlights for MOT ???

Help !!!!
I gotta say im usually pretty patient but this is taking the **** a bit, and still no communication from him, anyone else feel like they've been had?
hi still waiting on an answer ref

how mutch for the spring clip that retains the lock on petrol filler flap.

Has anyone still not heard nothing from 4x4 tom yet, not really in the business of giving money away
He was online last night at 10, no idea whats going on as I've never bought anything off him but I'd ask if someone who got his number could forward it you and just give him a call.
If someone could pm me his number that would be great, ive already paid him for my bits but not heard anything since, that was 2 weeks ago, would be nice to know whats going on
Has anyone heard anything from tom yet as ive tried him on his number and no joy, think this is a little out of order, is there anything the commitee/moderators can do about this?
I would open a paypal dispute, but as i thought i was dealing with a reputable member and being naive i sent it as a gift, it is only £12 and the money is not really important i just need the bits

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