
New Member
My battery went totally dead in two days to the point of needing to enter the key code, charged the battery etc and away she went but I have the abs, brake warning and traction lights on on the dash, also the brake pedal travels about half way down, there was no problem before the battery went down, any ideas please?
My battery went totally dead in two days to the point of needing to enter the key code, charged the battery etc and away she went but I have the abs, brake warning and traction lights on on the dash, also the brake pedal travels about half way down, there was no problem before the battery went down, any ideas please?
The abs, brake warning and traction lights on are due to the brake pump not running. This could be due to a relay fault, duff fusebox, or the pressure switch on the pump.
Did you jump start it?
Range Rovers hate being jump must use the exact procedure in the manual else they could throw a wobbler....hell, even if you do use the right procedure they still like to throw a wobbler at times!
Hi no the brake system is sound as a bell, when I went to charge the battery I inadvertantly switched the charger to starter position for a couple of seconds
Hi no the brake system is sound as a bell, when I went to charge the battery I inadvertantly switched the charger to starter position for a couple of seconds
so you tried to charge the battery with it still connected to the car?!?
Have charged it many times on the car with no problems, diagnostics around here aren't easy, have tried two local land rover specialists and neither could get their gear to communicate with my range so struggling

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