
hi all, please help....just renewed pads on my disco 1and brake fluid (well bout a month ago) and driving down a mountain today (using brakes a lot) brakes went very spongey!! had to pump brakes to get them to work, but when i got back on the flat they went back to working ? can someone explain why and if there is a problem ? cheers
brake fade is normal if you get them too hot for too long.

try using your engine to do more of the braking ;)
going spongey then recovering would sound like boiling fluid through over use of brakes ,the older the oil the lower the temp needed ,pads can glaze but shouldnt give spongy pedal, id flush through with decent fresh fluid
yeah fluid and pads are quite new, did use the brakes a lot down a steep mountain for about half hour so is this normal do yas think ? cheers :)

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