
Hi, my 2002 td5 has developed a pulsing sensation on the brake pedal, it has got worse over the last week, it had new discs and pads about 3 years ago?

Been out and looked at the discs, I don't have a dti but as I turned the hub nut with a brace bar I could see a slight movement towards the caliper edge on the drivers side of a couple of mm and also a similar amount if not more on the nearside. I also checked the servo operation as per the Haynes manual instructions and this was fine.
Do you think a couple of mm is enough to cause the pedal to judder?

When the abs kicks in it usually makes a whirring kind of noise from the modulator like when you lose traction in mud, it is not making any noise just a juddering pedal.
If there's visible warping then yes, it could cause pulsing,but mifght not give you any steering judder if it's not too far out.
I'm neither a mechanic nor an expert but the same thing was happening to mine and new discs & pads cured it.
change discs and pads,cheap enough to do,if you can see your discs running out,then that is enough to change them,mileage is not the only factor in them needing replacing,it is how the brakes have been used.
Posted here before that I dont think discs warp ! Ill add "usually"
Check your pads are not binding and that they are evenly worn, it could be a sign of sticking pads, they drag on the discs and deposit a layer of material that can cause juddering, but its usually makes the steering wheel wobble not the brake pedal to pulse.

My cure for my juddering brakes, and they were bad, was new pads, clean the calipers properly, then on an empty road do at least three hard stops from 50mph to zero, it cleans all the crud of the discs.

As has been said before, pads and discs are dirt cheap.

Posted here before that I dont think discs warp ! Ill add "usually"
Check your pads are not binding and that they are evenly worn, it could be a sign of sticking pads, they drag on the discs and deposit a layer of material that can cause juddering, but its usually makes the steering wheel wobble not the brake pedal to pulse.

My cure for my juddering brakes, and they were bad, was new pads, clean the calipers properly, then on an empty road do at least three hard stops from 50mph to zero, it cleans all the crud of the discs.

As has been said before, pads and discs are dirt cheap.

Mark,the op said he can see the discs not running true,so that is why it was suggested it was the discs causing the problem.
Sorry I wasnt questioning your advice, its very difficult to disc run out without a DTI, discs "wobble" very slightly on the hub bearings so its sometimes difficult to tell if the disc is warped or not.

I think Ill bow out of this one though!

Sorry I wasnt questioning your advice, its very difficult to disc run out without a DTI, discs "wobble" very slightly on the hub bearings so its sometimes difficult to tell if the disc is warped or not.

I think Ill bow out of this one though!

Mark,no need to leave the thread,your input is just as valid as mine,or anyone else's.

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