
Hi guys,
Hope someone can help me, I have an intermittent noise/vibration from brake peddle. Sounds and feels like a gear not meshing properly. Not had a chance to look yet, but ideas would be great place to start.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like ABS to me too. There's one place not far from where I live where there's a bit of tarmac filling a trench across the road, and it's just as the road approaches downhill to a roundabout. If I don't take my foot off the brake at that point, the little bump in the road is enough to trigger the ABS, immaterial of the weather.
What gives you the idea that a light should come on when it activates? If the light on the dashboard associated with the ABS does come on it usually means you have a problem.
Sorry guys getting my self mixed up, light is for traction control. When abs activities what does it feel like? Sounds and feels like I have just crunched gears but through pedal. Sorry for asking over and over, just very unsettling when it happens.
If you're of "the old school" before anti-lock braking, there was a technique which was learned rather than taught called "Cadence Braking". This was a method of applying the brakes in short sharp stabs so that the wheel were given a chance to restart rotating if one or more had locked and was skidding.
ABS takes that technique and has automated it as well as increasing the speed of braking force application. It will feel like a vibration under your brake pedal while the brakes are being applied and released very rapidly. I have looked to see if I can find out the actual application rate but there doesn't seem to be any information, suffice to say that the best way to describe it verbally is "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr".
The traction control and the hill descent system are also under control of the ABS system too.
Hi guys,
Hope someone can help me, I have an intermittent noise/vibration from brake peddle. Sounds and feels like a gear not meshing properly. Not had a chance to look yet, but ideas would be great place to start.
Thanks in advance.
Can you describe under what conditions/situations this happens?
Hi guys thanks for all your advice,
I can't say I have noticed any pattern of when it happens. I understand how abs works (basically) just pedal feel is more like a clunk clunk noise.
Hi guys thanks for all your advice,
I can't say I have noticed any pattern of when it happens. I understand how abs works (basically) just pedal feel is more like a clunk clunk noise.
Well ABS feels almost like intermittent 'brake failure' and a definite thump, thump through the pedal (which can seem unnerving as it won't let you brake as hard as you would like to) and as Brian said, TC is like a "brrrrrr" but the light would come on. If it's more of a vibration under steady braking it could be a warped disc but then again, that would happen every time you braked.
Thanks bobdog sound like what I'm getting. I will monitor over the next few weeks. As you say it's a bit unnerving.
Thanks to all you guys
Nielly Brian47 Jamesmartin bobdog

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