On my "project" S3 rebuild I have taken off the brake master cylinder as the "cos" (Crock of Sh!t, how its know by SWMBO) has been stood for 10 years or more so new brake cylinders all round I thought.
So having taken off the old Brake Master Cylider and looking for new ones the S3 seems to have had single or dual line Master cylinders only from what I could see.
However this one has a Ford label on the switch by the cap, was wondering if anybody could tell me what its off, or what is the correct replacment.:confused:
This one has 3 outlets, one to each of the front wheels and one going off to the rear, haven't fully chased that one back yet.:mad:






Any info, even if its that it is deffo not a S3 one would help...

I've just had my s3 cylinder apart, mine is an 83 dual line, that master cylinder is defo not an s3 item. The land rover item is straight rather than set at an angle.

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