
New Member
Hi all, My 55 reg Freelander hasn't got a fluid level switch in the top as most but it has got a plug on the side of it, this is connected to a 2 inch ish long probe like thing, (you can pull it out if you press the little tit in ) that looks to have some king of tiny bi metallic switch like thing in it encased in clear glass, anyone got any ideas what it is, my first thought was does it detect if the fluid has got to hot ???, any help would be appreciated.
I would have thought so but it does not contact the fluid at all you can just pull it out once you have pressed in the little tit in and it comes out.
The reason I was asking is that my hand brake light came on , on the dash board ,after fiddling about a bit I found out that if I disconnected the plug on this switch and then bridged the terminals the light went out as it should, the fluid level etc are all ok.
the fluid level is good and the hand brake switch is working as it should as well, if it is the fluid level switch I have never seen one like this before, noticed it has got all the markings of the Audi group on it as well, still a bit confused.

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