Paul Coddington

Active Member
Good Morning All.
Has anyone ever managed to replace, or otherwise successfully deal with a iffy, brake fluid level sensor on a P38 diesel. Following a recent drain and change of fluid on my year 2000 model. I'm getting constant low fluid warnings.
My local spares don't show the sensor separately to the reservoir, but I've had a Google search return results for a stockists. I've also had a result from a guy who'd successfully replaced it with one from a mini classic.
Thought's please.
Yes, it was done with the engine running. Everything appears to be fine regarding the actual level. Just at the moment the sensor is saying it's low
Yes, I've also depressurise the system and then, made a note of the level restarted the engine and observed the level drop. Also i

No just above.
OK, I just was not sure from your response. The level sensor is usually pretty reliable, a spare from a breaker is the easy option assuming it's not a connector problem or a broken wire. Too cold here to volunteer to go out and look at what is involved, sorry.
So just to be clear, the level is up to the line with the engine running?
Yes, I've also depressurise the system and then, made a note of the level restarted the engine and observed the level drop. Also i
You observed the level drop, to below the upper line?
No just above.
OK, I just was not sure from your response. The level sensor is usually pretty reliable, a spare from a breaker is the easy option assuming it's not a connector problem or a broken wire. Too cold here to volunteer to go out and look at what is involved, sorry.
I quite understand it's not warm here. Having looked at it, I cannot see how to remove the sensor from the reservoir. So I'm guessing it's a case of replacing the whole thing. Which would be a pain. I've bridged the switch out which has temporarily silenced the warning. But certainly need a permanent fix. I am going to have a look at the mini sensor idea.
Yes, it was done with the engine running. Everything appears to be fine regarding the actual level. Just at the moment the sensor is saying it's low

You could try removing the cap, shake it up and down a bit and then replace it. Might get lucky.

That or the Bay. They rarely fail so should be cheap enough.
Worth a try, I have purchased a mini classic, fluid switch, which I can make fit, with selection of crimp fittings. Going to try for the correct one first though.

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