As soon as we bled the first one into the bottle (beer bottle) we did not have a jar, there was bubbles!
All 4 had bubbles, and this is after 4 or 5 bleeds.

Then we checked the M/C, it was fine.
Drove her home, perfect brakes!

Thanks so much!:D:)
pleased for you
as well as working that method is very useful to diagnose sources of problems rather than swapping bits blind:)
There is a valve thingy that the brake lines run to directly from the M/S then onto the calipers.
Should this have also been changed because of the contaminant?
It seems to be leaking and letting air back into the system, well, actually, something in that area is leaking. I am going to park her on a clean spot this evening and see exactly where its leaking from.

But I am wondering if there was something in that valve thingy that could have been destroyed by the PAS fluid?

The valve is called a PRV, Pressure Reduction Valve.

Does the PRV have to be changed or just flushed after being contaminated with PAS fluid?

So, she started doing it again, so there has to be a leak somewhere.

I checked every line and bolt involved with the brake system and all was dry.

The brake master cylinder was moist underneath. I wiped it clean and took her for a drive and sure enough, moisture.
It looks like it is leaking where the reservoir is attached to the actual cylinder.

2 more M/C's ordered and a PRV just to be sure.

will it ever end?


Worth every cent I say.

So I got all my parts in, all besides the PRV. New MS new calipers new lines.
Bled the system multiple times till all the air bubbles were gone.
When I drove her, one time the brake pedal is hard but hardly any brakes, another time the pedal goes to the floor with hardly any brakes and sometimes the brakes work perfect.
So I order a new MS in case that new one is faulty and I order the PRV.
Bleed the system properly into a jar until there is no air and ,SAME THING!
We come back and bleed again and 2 of the lines are full of bubbles!!!
We bleed all 4 calipers until no bubbles. Take it for a test and sure enough its doing the same thing and when we check there is bubbles again!!!!!!!!!!!!

What am I doing wrong????

if you get bubbles just at one corner then youd suspect that caliper or line to it ,all 4 youd think of master cylinder or prv etc
if you get bubbles just at one corner then youd suspect that caliper or line to it ,all 4 youd think of master cylinder or prv etc

Getting bubbles at all four corners at different times.
Second brand new master cylinder and a brand new PRV.
Do you think that it is possible that the first time I changed everything besides the PRV, bled the system , had trouble .
Then replace the new MS and added the new PRV. Could the old PRV have contaminated the new calipers/lines even though I flushed the whole system with quite a bit of brake fluid?
Double and triple checked all the unions, I don't see any fluid splashed out of reservoir.

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