
Hi All.
It's no secret among those who know me that I have a major problem with 3 door 200Tdi Discoveries... I'm 19 and I've just bought my 6th!
To give you back ground as to why this is an issue, I insure and run a modified series and a G reg disco, at my age that's pushing finances to their absolute limit. Mum had a go at me the other day when a snorkel arrived in the post...
So, I've just shaken on £300 for this G reg disco, mum will flip out if she finds out and my buddy and I collect it on Sunday. See the problem here?

My options are:
-Tell her my mate owns it, he has just as much of a landy problem as I do and so it's entirely possible we'd store breakers at each other's.
-Tell her we've gone halves on it; even more believable as we nearly did this last week on a ninety!
-Admit full ownership of this total rotten shed.

Also, would you say it's easier to tell her now or wait till we return from Malvern Autojumble with a disco in tow...

Trivial thread I know but some advice would be helpful as mum's at the end of her land rover tether!


Btw, she's G reg, 170k, runs and drives (apparently!) Bought off a farm. Really rotten in some places and perfect in others...


You my son are a total glutton for punishment ! :p :D

Do what we all do with our mum's at that age. Lie & blag it !
I s'pose you could tell her that you intend to strip it for .... that near perfect plastic radiator grille. After all, they are obsolete these days and now you've got one .... just in case.
Wouldn't be the first time I've fibbed about a landy to save myself some ear ache o_O Christ there was a black disco that never even came home...
I think I'm going to rock up at home on Sunday with the disco in tow and say we bought it at Malvern, mate's paid £200 for it and I'll dismantle it for my share of the money from breaking.. That way I have no financial issues, in fact I'm even earning from it... What could possibly go wrong...
I take it you haven't just bought a gwac?

I'd say tell her the truth or at least partial truth.....
It's not a G-WAC, or even a G-BKV sadly. I did find a white G-BKV, the sale of which I passed on to a more suited buyer! (BKV being factory reg production models) The Disco I drive daily is an early production model, I am good with them :) I know all of the suffix A disco stuff to keep hold of too, early pedals, door handles, dash boards etc!

2 months ago I bought a G reg disco out of some ones garden, paid £600, didn't tell mum until 2 days before I collected it... I am at least daily driving it though so she's stopped complaining about that :) That and it came with £500 worth of massive tyres...

Anyway, thanks folks, I'm going to go with partial ownership and fib the price. And pray....
Tie a bow around it and tell her that you're sorry that her present was a bit late?
I would tell her the truth when you get it home.
As a parent it is what I would want and expect from my kids.:cool:
As a son (and a husband), it is easier to apologise after the event than it is to gain permission before it!! :p

Doesn't matter what you tell her, she already knows the truth. She also knows that you'll do it again, so best you just own up.
:eek: Tellin FIB'S to your MUM ! :eek::eek::eek:
When she find's out your in DEEEEEP SH*T :rolleyes:
Grounded for 2 weeks ! Sent to bed with NO tea ! NO tinter net ! NO phone ! Made to do ALL the washing up ! Cut the grass ! Take the Rubbish out ! The LIST goes ON & ON :eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Tell Her the TRUTH ! you Naughty BOY :D:p:p:p;)
even worse sent to the corner of a room

told not to come out until u tell the thruth , whole truth and nothing but the truth

mums have a secret lie radar

break the news in stages , if u buy flowers ur mum will know straight away ur up to no good, lol

hope all goes well and get away with it

ur a brave man, lol

better get back to me corner ;):rolleyes:
Well in the end I admitted full ownership, mostly because as soon as the trailer rolled into the yard every one knew it was mine... I did fib about the price a little mind, but that combined with it giving mum a method of getting hay to the sheep by the woods without getting wet has meant it even has a place under a roof next to my Daily!

Few pictures... It was green on top and the underside was coated in 3" of cow muck! Poor thing is actually in remarkable condition structurally! It get's to live on as a farm truck :)





Thanks for the input folks :) Me fibbing about £100 is small potatoes compared to my 3 sisters and what they do...
Nice David Brown tractor - my uncle had one on his farm just like that - does the handbrake work on that one?!!

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