Few questions...

1. was the person who gave the original sales patter residing in the offices with their logo on?
2. was there any evidence of this other company present?
3. what does it say on the v5?

whether they take responsibility or not the county court judgement has found against them. if it doesnt clearly say on the forecourt that the cars are all sold by other parties then it is reasonable to assume that they are selling.

by law i believe they are obliged to pay you and then seek recompense from this supposed other seller. they are just attempting to avoid paying. seek advise.

that saying a few days of you walking back and forth with a placard saying" buyer beware" with no actual reference to them and staying on public pavement and i bet they will pay straight up.:D:D:D
1. was the person who gave the original sales patter residing in the offices with their logo on?

There is only one set of offices, No logo as far as i am aware but all phone calls are answered as the company i sued. They don't have any logo's up as far as i remember (this is now 4 months ago and my memory isn't the greatest).

2. was there any evidence of this other company present?

None what so ever, all the cars are priced the same using the same type of markings / signage.

3. what does it say on the v5?

Let me go check... What am i looking for?
any reference to previous owner.

i think we can assume they are attempting a brush off. letter warning that you will advise the court of their actions and seek further advice.
2 former keepers

2 Acquired vehicle on 31 10 2005

1 X X C/O John Clark, wellington road, west tullos industrial estate aberdeen.

That's it.
Take a copy of the CCJ to a debt collection company. and ask them A: What they reckon your chances of getting the money back are?? And B: how much they'd pay you for the debt.

You won't get the full amount but you'll get a decent lump..
Any of these guys the onje who sold it to you
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Holy huge photo batman!

Also, No.

I bought it from a garage in Oxfordshire.

Looks like BMW sold it to a auctioneers and those ****s won it :(
HAve deleted the photo. :eek: MIght be worth dropping them a line to find out where they disposed of it and then a word with the Auction Company. you might not get any where But it's worth a try and won't cost you anything.
I shall ring them in the morning.

Will be interested to see what i get.

Don't garages have to register holding the vehicle? I'd expect to see them on the V5 also?
I shall ring them in the morning.

Will be interested to see what i get.

Don't garages have to register holding the vehicle? I'd expect to see them on the V5 also?

trader section of v5 does not increase owners
Is there any way of finding when they got hold of it and under what company they held it then?
Evening gentlemen,

I have some more news!

I have since found the gentleman who sold me my car's personal address.

Now, The garage "Brewers Garage" of Nuneham Courtney, Oxfordshire does not exist. However Welcome To BREWERS GARAGE and Brewers Garage | Quality used cars both reference the same place (where the car was purchased from).

Now, On the invoice i have from Brewers garage (which i will be uploading later) is signed off as being sold by a Mr X (Left out for now!).

I now have his home address. I have a CCJ in my favour, however it is against the garage which doesn't exist... However, Appears to be selling quite a few cars and they always answer the phone number "brewers garage" never "company x trading as brewers garage" more just "company x". Their excuse is that it's a grade 2 listed building (which it is) and that they are not allowed to change the name of it. Well, It's listed as "Brewers of Nuneham" no reference to a garage, it used to be an iron makers workshop, now it's a forecourt / workshop... This is their excuse for the signage being "Brewers Garage" and using the name. However the signage is new. And the invoice should clearly state the name of the company using the "trading as" name if this is the case. There is also no VAT number on the invoice either...

I'm fairly sure i won't be able to get anything from my existing CCJ, However.... Should i go after him personally???

Morally, No qualms over it. Legally however is it allowed?

I am going to speak to CAB and Trading Standards on Monday to advise them of the fact they are fronting with a company that doesn't exist, and no where on any of the websites does it state that the sales person (Mr X above) doesn't own more is he affiliated with the companies in any way other than he sells the cars on their behalf. This i believe is fronting and is illegal? I was never informed of this in any way prior or after my purchase until yesterday.

Now, I also believe they have several cases on going as the people i have spoken to at the garage always start by asking which one!! :roll eyes:

Now, Mr X still "works" there selling the vehicles, and i hope to catch up with him on Monday.

Now if i decide to take court action against Mr X at his home address, I will of course be including the costs of the court action taken so far in the amount claimed. Just after some confirmation this might be a smart move?
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just put a "lean" (lee-ann) on his property, if in his name. that way if he ever sells it - you "own" some of it (like a mortgage) and he has to pay you before he can sell the property :).
Sorry MHM i added some more information above.

If i put a "lean" on it, He'd have to sell it before i got any money? That doesn't help the now... :(
yup - i realise - if yu take him to court and win - but he still dont pay ya - its a nice way of ****in' him up long term.
Not yet...

I took him to court, They didn't reply. Got awarded a CCJ in my favour. Rang them to arrange payment. They said the car didn't belong to them, They just sold it and would not be giving me any money.

Because the amount is >£5000 i need to use 2 warrants to get the money.

I unfortunately cannot do this online (moneyclaim.gov.uk has been used so far for all of this and it's so easy! The system just can't handle 2 claims on one court case although it's perfectly allowed).

I'm hoping that when I ring them tomorrow, Pay the £200 (£100 per warrant) that'll be that.

They get 7 days to pay up in full, Else they go in and take assets.

The £200 is added to the claim also, So for them this just keeps getting more and more and more expensive.

However, In some good news, I have found a nice late Disco 1 300TDI for <£2000. It's close to me from a trader, 150,000 miles and the guy is selling cheap as it was taken in PX. If it's as good as it looks, I will be looking to purchase this in around a month all being well (it's purely planned as a weekend toy!). Expect to see a request for assistance when the time comes if there is someone out there feeling kind enough to come have a look with me :rolleyes:

As soon as i have the money in my hand, And can stop this 4 month nightmare the better! :)

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