I like Boris, the only politician I do like.

He's a bloody dangerous, privileged, wealthy and ignorant buffoon, a mere puppet in the big picture, I just so wish this was in anything goes cos I'd like to say he is a complete and utter TAWT.
And he loves Landrovers so much he's priced em out of london for all but the mega rich......

Cheers Steve
And he loves Landrovers so much he's priced em out of london for all but the mega rich......

Cheers Steve

untrue my friend,
if it makes you happy, I`ll sell you mine,
a 204.000 miler poor mans range rover,
a J plated doosel disco...

"So I apologise to all my libertarian chums: I am afraid on this one I am firmly with the bossyboots brigade. Ban smoking with children in the car. It is a disgusting thing to do and endangers their health. The proposal before Parliament is a good one that will save lives."
Agree with that 100%
smoking is horrid for all but the poor deranged smokers.
in short, it stinks, ash trays stink, thrown away butts stink = smokers stink, fact ;)
untrue my friend,
if it makes you happy, I`ll sell you mine,
a 204.000 miler poor mans range rover,
a J plated doosel disco...


I didnt say all Landrovers??

my tax exempt station wagon and soft top CSW are fine :)

Cheers Steve
Ok steve, but explain your comment of all but the mega rich then,
as I dont quite understand your comment.:confused:

£100 a day to take a diesel 200tdi utility and similar into londinium even though it has the same engine as a 200tdi csw or disco...

£36500 a year isn't spare change to most :) certainly wasn't to me when I was posted into London and had to sell one of my rovers as despite the government moving me there they refused to pay any allowance to cover the fact they were effectively forcing me to sell my vehicle.... £36K isnt far off all my wage after tax and NI

Cheers Steve
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£100 a day to take a diesel 200tdi utility and similar into londinium even though it has the same engine as a 200tdi csw or disco...

£36500 a year isn't spare change to most :) certainly wasn't to me when I was posted into London and had to sell one of my rovers as despite the government moving me there they refused to pay any allowance to cover the fact they were effectively forcing me to sell my vehicle.... £36K isnt far off all my wage after tax and NI

Cheers Steve

see your point, but you had a commercial vehicle, the same class as other polluting commercial vehicles that inner cities dont want.
make too much of a fuss and we maybe get to lose our get out clause being multi seater old smelly diesel landies as well.
be thankful we got them "at the moment"
would I like to sit behind my old smelly derv & veggie oil burning landie in a traffic jam in central london - nope, I would not like it at all, but am still allowed to take it in and pollute others air to breathe - hence I just dont do it.
I take the excellent coach or train service when I have to.
some states in america have banned 2stroke motors - completely, thats it - nuffink....owners of more historic vehicles that are 2t were gutted, as was the tree fellers, lawn mowing gardiners or vespa & lambretta scooter owners, but thats it, laws are laws- either get round them, or get out of them - simples, harsh but simples.

Oh, do you REALLY think it was Boris that caused the loss of access for smelly old diesels,
or do you "wish" it to be so to enable you to place pins in a doll effigy of Boris in a vein attempt at blaming someone whos name you know - eh.....lol
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I don't see an issue with the LEZ, but it should be suspended at night when there aren't as many cars around
Oh, do you REALLY think it was Boris that caused the loss of access for smelly old diesels,
or do you "wish" it to be so to enable you to place pins in a doll effigy of Boris in a vein attempt at blaming someone whos name you know - eh.....lol

Not at all Boris is way down the effigy list :) but would like to see him do a few useful things in London...

1) remote chain guns similar to those in Alien..... mounted on every set of traffic lights and pedestrian crossing to carve cyclists in half who fail to stop at red lights and ignore pedestrian crossings... could also double to dismember car drivers who ignore cycle areas at lights.... this would instantly cut the number of cyclists and drivers by a third..... less pollution and less unemployment. They would also activate if a cyclist has no lights when its dark.. or maybe just wing them if they only have a rear light insisting they only need cars behind to see them....... not thinking about drivers waiting to pull out...
2) perhaps issue wheelie bins so the piles of binbags left on the streets are safer from the ravenous fox populus that rip them open on a weekly basis turning london into a stinking messy cess pit :)
3) our capital unfortunately is a hole and I for one will be over the moon when I escape :) but Boris certainly isn't the only one who will be shot come the revolt lol

Cheers Steve
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I don't see an issue with the LEZ, but it should be suspended at night when there aren't as many cars around

This wouldn't help those forced to live within it, I dont have an issue with the LEZ if it was applied using common sense, if a 200tdi isn't acceptable fair enough.... but how can it be fine in one vehicle but not in another... oh I know if that was introduced it would affect a lot more voters and votes and may backfire.

I think eventually we may well see a blanket ban on any vehicle that cannot meet Euro xxx in London and many other cities but an engine should either be fine or not irrespective of the vehicle it sits in

Cheers Steve
I think eventually we may well see a blanket ban on any vehicle that cannot meet Euro xxx in London and many other cities but an engine should either be fine or not irrespective of the vehicle it sits in

Cheers Steve

the public wouldn't understand that, its much easier to say vans are bad and cars are good
What I don't understand is that they allow the prius' into London... in fact most taxi drivers use them... WHY? They are far, far far, far x 100 times worse than an old diesel - the damage to the envrionment making the short life batteries is terrible, the life span of the car is very short, it just makes no sense. An old diesel may be a bit smokey, but, at least it keeps going and the longer it goes the better for the environment - maybe someone should invest time and money into how to tune up the older engines and exhaust systems than into the f**king prius.
Indeed - a 30 year old landy has long since paid it "pollution debt" - for 30 years, the plant required to produce it has not needed to be "fired up" to put another one on the road. How long's a Prius' lifespan? 5 years? 10? if 10 then you'd need another 2 produced to compete with that one lone diesel landy. I rest my case.
Have to agree and my 42 year old landy runs on waste veg so as close to carbon neutral as it gets.... Carbon debt for making oil has been borne by primary user :)
Indeed - a 30 year old landy has long since paid it "pollution debt" - for 30 years, the plant required to produce it has not needed to be "fired up" to put another one on the road. How long's a Prius' lifespan? 5 years? 10? if 10 then you'd need another 2 produced to compete with that one lone diesel landy. I rest my case.

Mine is 50 this year! (Happy Birthday Bump) - and still going strong, I wouldn't have too many concerns about using it as a daily is i needed to. Not quite onto veg oil yet though, not got the time to research it properly to understand what i can and can't do without much hassle, but, as it is just a toy, i don't really care the cost of fueling it.

And when they do come to end of life they are used to keep others on the road - doesn't really happen with modern cars, they just get crushed.

Suprisingly Toyota offer a 8 year / 100k battery warranty on the prius - longer than i expected - but - let's face it, no modern car is actually designed to last over 10 years now, obviously some will, but, as a overall average, 10 years for a car is "good".

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