
New Member
having problems with the light in my boot changed the bulb then the fuse blew changed the bulb and fuse it worked for 2 days and is off again any ideas anyone only had the car a week and had to call landrover breakdown car wouldnt start some part to do with the fuel pump fixed in 5 mins:mad:
It might be a short in the wiring where it passes through from the car to the rear door - the constant opening and closing of the door weakens the wiring at this point.
I remember when fitting my CB aerial in the back, when i took the cable through the rubber boot/sleeve in the back door some of the cables were very tight. You might want to take a look behind some of your trim and check for and trapped cables as something might be rubbing on metal.

Also if you've had anything heavy in your boot with your rear seats folded, under the right hand side rear seat and under the carpet is wiring to your fuel pump, and the wiring follows underneath a metal clip, make sure it's not trapped underneath here if it's anything to do with the fuel pump and the metal clip can easily get squashed.
Is this the only one that keeps blowing or are you having trouble with others ?
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Possibly the boot/tail door switch is faulty and flashing to earth whilst you are driving along. This would cause the lamp to blow. Also if the insulation to your wiring to the switch is damaged, this could again be flashing to earth.

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