What condition is the air filter in?

Try pull the pipe off the turbo inlet and go for a small drive see if its any diffrent

air filter is new.
is it safe to drive it with no pipe on the inlet of the turbo? if so i will do that as it could eliminate any intake pipe problems or vibrations!
And it's safe to drive without the intake as long as you don't get anything shoot up into the intake manifold. But don't drive it like that for too long, just in case
And it's safe to drive without the intake as long as you don't get anything shoot up into the intake manifold. But don't drive it like that for too long, just in case
collet was next to valve spring so yea retrieved and re fit as its only a few weeks old. also still looked new!

right, so next thing to try is removing air intake pipes right up to turbo!
i will update when i get results!
AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! this is driving me nuts!!
so removed all airbox pipes from wing to turbo and STILL booming!!

so recap

booming when revved. when stationary can here it a little but more so when driving. dip the clutch and its gone!
noise is louder in driving seat and def quieter in rear seats.

checked exhaust and changed gaskets right up to block. been under car when being revved and def not coming from exhaust.
removed props one at a time.
set reset and reset again valve clearances.
new head gasket
air piping up to turbo removed.

so what next??
engine & gearbox mounts? i don't have any vibrations but could they coarse an exhaust like booming?
Now that I've listened to the video, I think that you might have a sticking inlet valve. It wouldn't surprise me if it is valve 8, which would be one explanation for the collet falling off.
Now that I've listened to the video, I think that you might have a sticking inlet valve. It wouldn't surprise me if it is valve 8, which would be one explanation for the collet falling off.
is it the air intake sound that makes you say that?
Hi James.

I've had one stick in a VW engine, not bent but seized for some strange reason. High mileage engine in which you expect all tolerances to open, very odd. 'Twas fine after a valve and guide change.

I would have suggested a burned seat as a result of running with the collet missing, but the OP says that it was 'booming' before he had the head off.

Given that the car was bought with the booming happening, it makes me wonder if it was a reason for the sale? And maybe a broken or slipped cam belt in the past?
is it the air intake sound that makes you say that?

Yes. At first I thought that I could hear a leaking injector or heater plug seal, but as you moved the camera down, the deeper noise became apparent.
Given that the car was bought with the booming happening, it makes me wonder if it was a reason for the sale? And maybe a broken or slipped cam belt in the past?

when i bought it there was no booming, but the air intake definitely popped like on the vid
If it were a stuck/burned/broken valve, then:-

If you put your hand near the inlet (with the hose off as in the video) can you feel any unevenness in the flow into it? That would be a good test in a non turbo car, but the turbo will, to some extent, mask the effect that the hot air being blown back out into the inlet manifold would have. Worth a try though.
If it were a stuck/burned/broken valve, then:-

If you put your hand near the inlet (with the hose off as in the video) can you feel any unevenness in the flow into it? That would be a good test in a non turbo car, but the turbo will, to some extent, mask the effect that the hot air being blown back out into the inlet manifold would have. Worth a try though.

haven't heard that one, will give it a go, also saw a youtube vid holding paper over tailpipe, if it flaps (gets sucked back to pipe) there is a valve problem, so will give that a go too.
are there any good ways to cure a sticky valve, or is my head coming off (again)
does this sound feasible?
whilst inspecting the original head (now off car) i discovered ALL 4 exhaust valve seals were sat at top of spring!! so effectively no seal at all.
i understand oil will be getting into bores, but surely as the exhaust valve opens and the spent oxygen is forced out, a lot of it is going to be rushing past where the seal should be. causing loud exhaust like droning?
or am i wrong?
i have researched this to death and never found this theory
I honestly doubt it. The valves don't open when there's massive pressure behind them, so the guides stems would need to be very loose in the guides for there to be any appreciable flow.
this is doing my head in now! pardon the pun!!!

right after fitting new amc head popping has gone engine runs quieter and seems good.
BUT i still have this booming noise from induction side!!! when i put my ear to air intake and rev it sounds like a sports exhaust!!!!

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