
New Member
That was the sound my front propshaft just made on my way home from work today as the universal joint attaching it to the front diff failed and it flew around under the car hitting stuff.

I’m actually pretty happy (if kinda greasy) right now. A few reasons:

  • I had been wondering if “that noise” was the front prop shaft and was planning on checking it out this weekend, so my instincts were OK… if maybe slow
  • I immediately knew what the problem was when it happened
  • I managed to remove the prop shaft at the side of the road and get the car home by engaging the diff lock.
  • I still need to investigate further damage, but a universal joint is about 10 euros, and I wanted to learn to replace one anyway
I know this isn't much for a lot of you guys, but it's a big step for me... so in the end, I’m actually feeling good right now, as this is exactly the kind of issue I’ll need to resolve on my own when overlanding.

Of course I couldn't have gotten this far without this site and people like you great guys... thanks!

- Andrew
Take some good pics of the prop and post them on here , my betting is that you killed it as its been flailing around smashing stuff and bent it !!!!!!!! ........... For starters id price up a whole new prop .
That was the sound my front propshaft just made on my way home from work today as the universal joint attaching it to the front diff failed and it flew around under the car hitting stuff.

I’m actually pretty happy (if kinda greasy) right now. A few reasons:

  • I had been wondering if “that noise” was the front prop shaft and was planning on checking it out this weekend, so my instincts were OK… if maybe slow
  • I immediately knew what the problem was when it happened
  • I managed to remove the prop shaft at the side of the road and get the car home by engaging the diff lock.
  • I still need to investigate further damage, but a universal joint is about 10 euros, and I wanted to learn to replace one anyway
I know this isn't much for a lot of you guys, but it's a big step for me... so in the end, I’m actually feeling good right now, as this is exactly the kind of issue I’ll need to resolve on my own when overlanding.

Of course I couldn't have gotten this far without this site and people like you great guys... thanks!

- Andrew
Do ye mean like this...

Yep, decided I'm going to replace the propshaft too... not worth risking it being a little bent. I also figure I'll need a new connector bit that attaches to the transfer box where it fell off (did I say at first it fell off the front diff? It didn't). Will replace the U joints in the rear too while I'm doing it.

Took some quick pics of the propshaft yesterday eve, but didn't manage to crawl under for an inspection yet.

Take a look at the wear on that UJ!



- Andrew
Let us know how you get on, you might have been lucky, usually a front porp will tear thinsg like oil cans off. You would know all about that as a trail of oil was left behind you!
If you can afford it buy a GKN/Hardy spicer prop, I have had bad experiences with britpart ones, can't grease em up and my mate bought one to solve what felt like a prop vibration, was still there after we changed it so changed gear box, transfer box and axle's, vibration still there!!!! we swapped his props with mine and the vibration has gone. He is still arguing with a well known firm about it all.
I put in an order for Hardy spicer propshafts and UJ's this morning... now have to wait until they arrive and throw start the relpacement process.

Went under to have a look today as well as remove the stub from the transfer box. Couldn't manage it today, will have to try again. Two of the nuts were totally messed up by the prop when it failed. Most of the other damage seems to have happened to the underside of the passenger footwell (LHD car so passenger is on the right)... plus a bracked of some sort that's attached to the frame. Not sure what that's for, maybe a propshaft protector?

In this pic you can see one of the nuts the nuts that was hit, the other isn't so obivous. I'll try to get them off by hammering the propshaft tool into place, but if that doesn't work I'm not sure, my wrenches and such won't fit in there.


- Andrew
Is it normal that the bolts attaching the front propshaft bracket to the transfer box can't be removed? On my landy there isn't enough room to take them out before the heads of the bolt hit the transfer box.

- Andrew
Is it normal that the bolts attaching the front propshaft bracket to the transfer box can't be removed? On my landy there isn't enough room to take them out before the heads of the bolt hit the transfer box.

- Andrew
Yep it is normal.
You need to remove the drive flange from the xfer box to change the bolts.
Some peeps grind the heads off the bolts to get them out and then fit short bolts the wrong way round with thinner nuts but the idea is to keep the bolt in place even if the nut comes off.
Some peeps grind the heads off the bolts to get them out and then fit short bolts the wrong way round

Exactly what I was considering myself... might need to depending on the state of the two bolts that got hit. Don't think I feel like playing with the transfer box if I can avoid it.

Thanks for the info!

- Andrew
Yep it is normal.
You need to remove the drive flange from the xfer box to change the bolts.
Some peeps grind the heads off the bolts to get them out and then fit short bolts the wrong way round with thinner nuts but the idea is to keep the bolt in place even if the nut comes off.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but this is exactly the trouble I'm having, how do I remove the drive flange, I obviously don't want to damage anything with my touch of a baby elephant, so would welcome some advice.;););)
Cheers Buster, thing is I had to grind off the old nuts/bolts because they were trashed, and I haven't got one of your home made tools, is there another way, or should I just speak to the garage in the morning:confused::confused:

If ye've got some metal bar / angle iron etc, then ye could easily knock summit up. Just make sure it's long enough to reach the floor, drill two holes to match the flange and stick a couple of bolts in and secure with nuts / welded or tap the holes... a bit like an angle grinder key. It doesn't need to be like the one ah made with the three holes, just use the two closest holes. If ye cant get a socket by it, take a wee notch out until ye can;)

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