Someone that truly embraced the "one life, live it" slogan we so often use, genuinely inspirational bloke. You never know what's around the corner and he adopted that phrase like it was his own. Fair play to you mate, we had some great little adventures.

Redwings just had a little flick through some old photos and found that Essex trip we did with him and b3aker - a pretty entertaining little trip that one. I remember him trying to keep out of the ruts because he'd just put on his side steps and inevitably bending them.

A man that gave a huge amount to this forum and the hobby for sure
Such a shock to hear today from Pintsize about the passing of Booger. Such a solid good bloke and great company out laning. Booger rest in peace, you will be missed.
The most kind-hearted generous guy I ever met, still can't take it in that he's gone. Always remember the BBQ's and when we went to Whaddon and he encouraged me to get the most out of the Rav4 ;) R.I.P. Booger, will miss you xxx
Someone that truly embraced the "one life, live it" slogan we so often use, genuinely inspirational bloke. You never know what's around the corner and he adopted that phrase like it was his own. Fair play to you mate, we had some great little adventures.

Redwings just had a little flick through some old photos and found that Essex trip we did with him and b3aker - a pretty entertaining little trip that one. I remember him trying to keep out of the ruts because he'd just put on his side steps and inevitably bending them.

A man that gave a huge amount to this forum and the hobby for sure

Totally agree Carpy, couldn't have said it any better.
RIP Mate you'll be sadly missed. Had great fun on salisbury plains. and laning.
I cant believe I am reading this :(

Never met the man but we did exchange a lot of emails and PM's. Genuinely a top chap.


Jeez..... RIP Booger.:(

It just goes to show that you need to live every day as if it's your last.
Absolutely stunned, thought it was a wind up at first.

Never met the guy but he will be greatly missed!!
Bloody hell. Never new the fella personally, though sorta thought that I did through the forum....absolutely gutted to hear this news.

Thoughts with his family and folks who new him.
Sorry need to keep this thread/dream open. IT IS one life live it! There are some of us thinking of a similar trip!

Any and all info is helpful, cheers Mark

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