Ha, weird. I came on here to ask similar and this thread was at the top of the pile.

I'm not wanting to pay that much! I've sound deadened the back and part-way through doors so now overwhelming noise coming from the front/engine.

I've seen some bonnets with square tiles of what look like bitumen? How have others sound-proofed the engine bay?

Sorry to hijack, but it is in the same vein...
Funny :)

However, Mike we now have a 90 200tdi as well and its 88db at 55mph, yes I bought a sound meter. I'm fitting Silent Coat and Dodo Pro to it at the moment, when its done I'll measure the noise without bonnet sound proofing and let you know if it was £250 well spent. If it is you might be able to hear your radio next year.
funny :)

however, mike we now have a 90 200tdi as well and its 88db at 55mph, yes i bought a sound meter. I'm fitting silent coat and dodo pro to it at the moment, when its done i'll measure the noise without bonnet sound proofing and let you know if it was £250 well spent. If it is you might be able to hear your radio next year.

:confused2: LOL
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Funny :)

However, Mike we now have a 90 200tdi as well and its 88db at 55mph, yes I bought a sound meter. I'm fitting Silent Coat and Dodo Pro to it at the moment, when its done I'll measure the noise without bonnet sound proofing and let you know if it was £250 well spent. If it is you might be able to hear your radio next year.

I tried a decibel meter in my series :eek:, try yours with the window open you wont believe how much the noise level drops as its no longer bouncing around in a closed tin box.
Sorry Mike I meant funny as in the ear defender comment.

As for the windows open, I'll do that, I did comment to the other half we would have been better off with a canvas roof and not a tin can drum around us. However, the roof will have silencing panels on it and then be insulated as well, were kinda going for it a bit.
Sorry Mike I meant funny as in the ear defender comment.

As for the windows open, I'll do that, I did comment to the other half we would have been better off with a canvas roof and not a tin can drum around us. However, the roof will have silencing panels on it and then be insulated as well, were kinda going for it a bit.

Your Discovery was named Larry, what's the 90 going to be called and have you started another blog for it.
I have started doing some work on mine. I want to fit it out a bit better than last time. Well, last time we just threw everything in the back and when we went over the first bump it all ended up in the front. Something along the lines of Ken's setup. Gerald can then have the penthouse on the top. Plus next time round I have a better idea of what we will need so will not have to take so much gear with us.
The most effective use of soundproofing I have done so far was placing Damplifier on the battery box cover and the cover over the fuel tank on my 90. It did more for noise suppression that insulating the doors or the bonnet.
The most effective use of soundproofing I have done so far was placing Damplifier on the battery box cover and the cover over the fuel tank on my 90. It did more for noise suppression that insulating the doors or the bonnet.
+1 but I used Fatmat Rattle trap combined with 3mm closed cell foam & the rubber matting. Taken a hell of a lpt of vibration out and the noise levels are much lower.
If we are talking about alternatives to the under bonnet, I put noisekiller's bell housing blanket on mine.

Its a V8 so the engine isn't as noisy, but I fitted their underbonnet stickon kit, their front kit which is bulkhead, floor and seatbox panels and the bell housing blanket. The blanket was most effective at reducing the harshness of the transmission noise which comes to the fore with the petrol engine.
Today I ply-lined the backsides, sticking a foam directly to the panel followed by the trusty camping mat on top of that. Tomorrow I'm topping the ply with acoustic carpet (like on a bass box). I used 8 tiles of silent coat on the underside of the bonnet and have another two to cut for the top section of the engine bay bulkhead. This in itself has reduced noise by 5/10db (so says the 79p app). I've also got a tile each for the doors and I'm going to line the foot wells, tunnel and seat boxes with some shiny silver camping mats I spied at Wilkos yesterday (this will sit under the existing rubber mats). My front headlining is hanging off and I don't have one in the back. Once they're sorted, I think the improvement will be quite noticeable. It will end up about £50. The main expense being the silent coat (which was a gamble really)

Having the engine remapped and removing the EGR also made my engine quieter...but because of extra poke, the straight through drops a note or two quite frequently undoing all that good ;)
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Any little helps I am sure but the price is a bit steep for some slight improvement in noise. Could you not just put some DynaMatt and then the fire blanket bit over that?
Fatmat is cheaper and just as good. Getting close to lining my whole 90 with it. Just the rear load area and the roof to do.

Used that fire retardent foam i listed up before on the bonnet. Not measured noise levels but I can have a conversation at normal levels at 60mph on the Mway. So money well spent imo.

To finish the roof, load area n r do the doors/pillars i reckon will cost me ~£200 BUT by that point i am quite confident it will be as quiet as an RR!
Ok, done the front cab with Silent coat matt then DoDo pro barrier over to top, plus new carpets in the cab. Just doing this the noise has gone from 88-90db at 55-60mph to 80db.

Going to do a couple of matts for over the battery and tank to complete the front. Then the rear of Jo next weekend and then look into paint to complete the job. For the roof I''m going to use closed cell camping mats and some silent coat.

I don't think it will ever be as quiet as the Disco 1, but I would like to be able to have a radio I can head.

Doing it this way is not a cheap thing to do, with all the carpets etc its going to set me back about £450.

I'll put some pictures up soon,

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