My poor neglected 110 (1994 vintage... and hasn't been used for many years) doesn't seem to want me to open its bonnet.

The bonnet release pull in the cab won't move... seems to be stuck solid (rust??). I've tried spraying WD40 on the metal stem that I assume attaches to the cable... but still no movement at all.

I searched the forum for similar issues... but they mostly appear to be the result of a stretched cable (where the bonnet release pull moves but the bonnet doesn't unlock). In my Defender's case there is absolutely no movement at the bonnet release pull button. Any ideas on how to get the bonnet open? Many thanks.
How about someone pushing down hard on the front of the bonnet while you give it the beans??
When you do finally get it open give the latch a good dose of spray grease.
How about someone pushing down hard on the front of the bonnet while you give it the beans??
When you do finally get it open give the latch a good dose of spray grease.

Thanks. I'll give that a try.
When you say 'spray grease'... what sort of product (any recommendations of brand / type etc?)? Is WD40 suitable... or is it too thin?
WD40 is very light and being a spray will get to the little nooks and crannies, BUT it will dry out over time and become sticky, not what you want.
There are any number of manufacturers of spray grease, I currently have a can by Comma, Halfrauds will sell you some, nice and thin but you can build it up over repeated sprayings to give a good thickness of grease in difficult to reach areas.
WD40 is very light and being a spray will get to the little nooks and crannies, BUT it will dry out over time and become sticky, not what you want.
There are any number of manufacturers of spray grease, I currently have a can by Comma, Halfrauds will sell you some, nice and thin but you can build it up over repeated sprayings to give a good thickness of grease in difficult to reach areas.

Thanks again. :)
My poor neglected 110 (1994 vintage... and hasn't been used for many years) doesn't seem to want me to open its bonnet.

The bonnet release pull in the cab won't move... seems to be stuck solid (rust??). I've tried spraying WD40 on the metal stem that I assume attaches to the cable... but still no movement at all.

I searched the forum for similar issues... but they mostly appear to be the result of a stretched cable (where the bonnet release pull moves but the bonnet doesn't unlock). In my Defender's case there is absolutely no movement at the bonnet release pull button. Any ideas on how to get the bonnet open? Many thanks.

Mine sometimes sticks solid, but not because of rust. If you get hold of the pull handle, can you rotate it slightly one way or the other? If mine isn’t in the “sweet spot” no amount of pulling will release the bonnet.
The cable on mine broke years ago, I just reach through the grille and release the latch manually.
I have fashioned my bonnet release cable to come through the grill so I do not have to reach through, sits with a nice finger loop and the cable doubled up. The cables kept snapping but have not had a problem since doing this.
Mine sometimes sticks solid, but not because of rust. If you get hold of the pull handle, can you rotate it slightly one way or the other? If mine isn’t in the “sweet spot” no amount of pulling will release the bonnet.

The peg from the bonnet can get bent / wear, try checking that, it may be off a bit ...

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