Steve Terminal

New Member
Eyup everyone new chap here.Ihave a 1.8se and cannot get into engine bay as me bonnet release cable wont pull the buggery catch open(not sure whether the cable has stretched or the catch seized)Ive had a naive look from underneath hoping i could pull something to free it(its worked with previous "cars")but alas cant see owt.Has any of you knowledgable guys/gals have any wonder solutions. I am off on me jollys on Friday and cant check me oil etc.
Thanks in advance:)
Some would say its best you can't
I am unable to advise as mine is sat in a garage having its leaking autobox fixed
Owned 3 weeks driven 3 days
Thanks Shutty
Sorry to read your problem Ive heard tales of all sorts of problems folk havehad.
My "beast" is nearly 7 of which ive had 5 years of relativley problem free motoring although it has had 1 and ahalf new engines in.The original onewas the dreaded K series.soon blew up.
Thanks again
I have never had this happen yet, but if it did this is what i would do. Firstly check the tension at the release handle on the cable. If it is lose then your cable has snaped. IF not pull it and get a second person to try and lift the bonnet. Failing this then take the front bumper off. There will be of course the 4 screws at the top that you wont be able to get, but see if you can bend the bumper far enough to reach up to the lock mechanism. Alternatively you could cut the piece of plastic that is on the bumper that couvers the lock to get at it.
During Manufacture If We Had One Like This We Got Someone To Push "down"! On Front Of Bonnet While U Pull Release , Believe Me It Usually Works As U Are In Effect Taking The Load Off The Cable.

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