i've just taken delivery of, and started the assembly of the mm4x4 freelander bonnet light pod, and i must say i'm rather disappointed with what i've got....
it's a fiberglass construction with standard ring round driving lamps, which i find rather cheap considering it's price tag...
another problem i have is with the fiberglass it's self, the problem being that at the bottom under the light holes, the surface finish is cracked and ridged, only a cosmetic issue but still...
Also, upon installation of the lights, i've noticed a large gap between the lights and the main body, with no type of seal or gasket to fill it. i suppose i could use some type of silicone sealant but then when it comes time to change a bulb i'm buggered.
Has anyone else bought one of these? is this something to be concerned about or am i blowing it out of proportion? i payed £270 for the pod and wiring kit, so i was kinda hoping for flush fits...
Phone them up and ask to speak to Chris,there parts manager.Be nice and explain to him your problem and mention that your a little bit dissapointed in your purchase.
tried ringing today but was too late as they closed at 3, will have to wait till Wednesday till I'm free again.
i fitted the pod to my bonnet and found similar sized (2-3mm) gaps between the pod and bonnet as well...
a lot of black insulation tape later and it doesn't look toooo bad and hopefully should keep most of the water out till i can make a rubber seal for it.
just noticed while fitting also, the black finish over the fiberglass is bubbled over one of the light ridges... :-(
I've taken pictures of the gaps and tape fixes here...
Well mate I think that looks really bad. I was thinking of getting some and that certainly isn't up to my standards, I would be asking for my money back.:eek:

almost looks like seconds, as for the gaps, i'd be inclined to do the edges with some rubber door seals off ebay. but considering the price mate: shocking quality. probably not mm4x4's fault, they dont make em, but still they may replace it.
well I come back off exercise on Wednesday so am gonna contact mm then, as said they probably don't make them themselves but i still expect a certain standard...
other than the aesthetics, they work fine... I've hooked them through a switch (provided in the wiring kit) to my full beams. it was a bugger trying to get the wires through my bulkhead but found the correct grommet in the end and poked a hole through it :-D
it was also a bugger routing cables around my engine as the wiring kit certainly didn't scrimp on any lengths :p
it's a shame, i was looking at those myself:eek: see if mm4x4 can come up with a better unit than that one;):)....... back to the roof pod me think's:D
well, i spoke to chris on the phone today, and have emailed him the pictures of the various problems. he was very nice about it, and we will be sorting it all out when i get off exercise in 2 weeks...
i've already worked out how to fix the gap problems, i'm gonna leave the tape round the lights, but use a sticky backed seal around the underside of the pod to fill the holes and make it water tight.
When it's finished i don't think it'll look toooooo bad, i may even carbon skin it :p
You must be desperate to fit that to your Freeby, the quality is terrible for the price you paid. I think the standard lights are pretty good, so why put even more drag to the body shape.
I was thinking of buying one of these but I'm having second thoughts now. For £270 I expect a perfect fit as should everyone who buys these.
If you you can make it woprk then kudos, I've always liked the one on their demo Freelander :). It'll be cool to see pics when it's done.

Not desperate, but i've not found them being sold by anyone else and it's what i wanted instead of the usual roof spots or A bar mounts.
Decided to go for a sealent instead of the sticky backed seal... It'll just peel off when i need to change the bulbs.
Don't know if I'll go for these anymore after seeing the quality of them. I want something different but all thoses gaps would bug me!
OMG, just seen the pics. There is no way I would have kept the bonnet pod. For that amount of money the quality is attrocious.

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