
Hi Folks,

I just wondered if anyone else has same thing happen to them? i have noticed that my bonnet lifts slightly when i am doing 70 mph and also when its windy this only seems to happen on motorways etc.
I am just a little worried incase catch slips and bonnet flies up and hits windscreen.

I also noticed that my Disco has started squeaking sometimes when driving at city speed or slower it only happens when i am moving not while stationary it seems to be coming from front passenger side??

If anyone has any ideas that would be great.

Thanks again.:D
Hi Folks,

I just wondered if anyone else has same thing happen to them? i have noticed that my bonnet lifts slightly when i am doing 70 mph and also when its windy this only seems to happen on motorways etc.
I am just a little worried incase catch slips and bonnet flies up and hits windscreen.

I also noticed that my Disco has started squeaking sometimes when driving at city speed or slower it only happens when i am moving not while stationary it seems to be coming from front passenger side??

If anyone has any ideas that would be great.

Thanks again.:D

i assume uve checked all ur catches?
if you open the bonnet and look at the spring half of the catch you will see it is slotted get a flat blade screwdriver and tighten it up untill the bonnet sits flush.
i get the bonnet waving a tad on motorways myself at about 65 upwards and or if it breezy, seems to be tight in the middle but kida wobbles raising the edges, i have checked my bonnet catch etc and its solid once it shut, if yer feel unsure add some bonnet pins or somthing like that cause the windscreen and roof will be taken out with it if it liffs at that speed.
gotta agree wiv raz fit some barnet pins coz if yer barnit lets go on the moterway it will be the end of yer motor and poss the end of you/ your passengers
i get the bonnet waving a tad on motorways myself at about 65 upwards and or if it breezy, seems to be tight in the middle but kida wobbles raising the edges, i have checked my bonnet catch etc and its solid once it shut

Get exactly the same thing - 'waving' at the sides. Even caused me to stop off at a junction a couple of times to make sure it is properly closed!!

mine does exactly the same, i was doin 100 on the m55 the other week and it waved that much people were waving back. But its solid in the middle where the catch is so wasnt to concerned.

me thinks i may just get some pins anyway cause i just realised i could attatch me cables from them to the roof bar to stop me getting hit with bush rash as much when i go on me excursions, 2 birds, one stone!:D
Both my 300 Tdi's have done this. It can be slightly alarming but as long as the catch and safety catch are working it's not a problem.
In all my years in the motor industry, bonnets always have two distinct safety mechanisms. One is the cable pull, and the other is mechanical (the bit you have to push under the front to make it open). This mechanical one was specifically added in case the first fails, it stops the bonnet flying up over the windscreen and testing your memory of the road!

As for the bonnet waving side to side, I havent had a look under the bonnet of my disco, but all other cars have an adjustment as previously mentioned and also adjustable buffers/bumpers at either front edge of the bonnet. If your bonnet waves at speed then it isn't touching the bumpers at either edge. Its a bit "chicken or egg' as to which ones you use, but as a rule of thumb, align the bonnet with the frt guard with the bumpers, then adjust your centre latch sufficiently that it pulls it down in the centre so as not to wiggle or wave at speed. Be prepared for the centre slotted pin of your centre latch to be very stiff, some even have a lock nut to prevent vibrational changes to its height/tension.
the bonnet might not be touching the stops cause the wind is getting underneath it maybe????????;) therefore lifts it off the stops.
the bonnet and wing seals are the best cure as it stops air getting in and trying to lift.:cool:
sorry mad hat man, i was aware you mentioned it and should have used a proper quote, used these before on an e30 i used to have, was purly for top end speed on the tracks but i can vouch that they rid the trapped air for better aero dynamics, i have every confidence in the catch mechanism on mine but sometimes at high speed on a windy day somthing does tell you to back off a tad lol.

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