
Active Member
Replaced my bulkhead on my G reg 90. Rebuilt the wings using the original tops, but new sides. Bonnet is original, but with new hinges.

I'm having issues with the bonnet alignment.
  • Wings are flush with the side of the bulkhead and are level across the top
  • Bonnet 'hooks' on bulkhead are equal in dimensions from the sides, top of bulkhead etc
  • Radiator panel (bonnet catch) hasn't moved
  • Wings sit pretty well and didn't take much effort to get aligned (I.e. no real pushing and shoving!).

My initial thought was the bonnet hooks on the bulkhead. I've closed up the drivers side as much as I can, but it hasn't made much difference.
I then tried the bonnet hinges to see if there was any play in the bolt holes, but there wasn't.

Photos show its sitting almost above checker plate on passanger side, but loads of room on drivers side. Front view you can see misalignment with slam plate.

I'm pretty stuck now! Any thoughts or suggestions?

i had the same but less extreme on my build.
I first used all available play in hinges to shimmy it across. There wasn't much movement but with some brute force it did settle where i wanted it.
Not sure if this is the prescribed method but if that isn't enough i'd elongate the hinge holes both sides a small amount in the correct direction to give you that wiggle room you need.

Might need 2 people, it's a bloody awkward job the bonnet.

Was the bulkhead from Ashtree by any chance :rolleyes:
Doors took a while to align, but they are pretty good now. Straight line right down the length of the car!

I did try and loosen the hinges as that would be the easiest option (I thought!), but there was little to no play. I did consider drilling the holes out a little to give a bit more play. A small bit of play at the hinge should have a big impact at the end of the bonnet. Worth a shot?
I don't think there is another option. Like you said small change will have a big impact.
Hard part is preventing corrosion down the line from exposing the metal
The hinge brackets will bend, you just need a bloody big bar. You could also try putting one of the plastic bushes in backwards.
I did consider putting in one of the bushes backwards, but I wasn't sure if it would work or not. Worth a try!

I closed up one of the hooks on the bulkhead with by big boys hammer, but it had minimal impact.

If the bushes don't fix it, i'll probably widen the holes. Corrosion wont really be a concern here with the minimal exposed surface area of bare aluminum.
How does the back edge of the bonnet sit against the bulkhead? Are the dimensions of the new hinges any different to your old ones? Bit of an odd one!
Is this an optical illusion caused by the checker plate tops being different widths? Tricky to eyeball it accurately from your head on pics but the leading edges look different to me...
Nah, was defo misaligned! I drilled out the holes on one side a bit more so I could pull the bonnet over, and seems to have done the trick!
The offside bonnet hook on the bulkhead is really badly damaged, The hook is no longer a proper hook and despite my best efforts with club hammer is determined not to bend back to shape. Are these a replacement part does anyone know and are they welded on or nutted on the back. I am struggling to get a view behind the bulkhead. Anybody had any experience of this sort of repair and suggestions as how to get the job done without cutting and welding in a new bulkhead.?
The hooks are actually quite soft to bend but not with a hammer . I had much better success with the slot in the hook of my crowbar. Put the slot over the edge of the bulkhead hook and using the leverage of the bar it rolled back into shape easily.



Edit bloody formatting !

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