
New Member
Hello everyone.

New to the "Zone". Just trying to revive my 1989 2.5na diesel. It has been stood for a while. I'm also new to the mechanical work. I reside in France.

Bonjour, ca va?

Je suis desole mes je suis un sange dans ma tete

ou est le fromage?

bonnes anniversaire! :welcome:
not clever - google translate

ah mine is all my own work, mine said;

"Hello, alright?
I am sorry but I'm afraid I have a monkey on my head
Where is the cheese?
Happy Birthday!"

Incidently I have this from a very good French friend of mine; ever wanted to know how to say, 'I've dropped my hat' (as in I've farted) in French?

"Je vais tombe mon chapeau" It's a very useful phrase.

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