
I've tried having a look around but haven't really found what I'm looking for.

Does anybody know the measurements of a body mount. Ie circumference and what size hole I would need to drill.

Also how many mounting points on the disco one, think it's about 12 but I don't know.

Gonna make a set at work.

need to be 2 inch high (obv), diameter is same as the rubber mounts that are currently on, at a guess approx 2-3", hole to fit m10 bolts (think mine were m10 anway), and theres 10 mounts,

2 next to rad
4 on sills (2 front 2 back)
2 at back

cant for life of me think where other 2 are, sure its at back of front arch

you will also need seatbelt extensions, 2 extensions for the gearbox tunnel rad mount extensions (brake lines obv) and depending which steering linkage ou have poss need an older version, think 200tdis had te right one
As replied in the same thread elsewhere

You have numerous mounting points and also a couple of locators that get completely overlooked!!

2x front panel located under each light box

2x front of bulkhead

2x front of sills

2x mid-way along the transmission tunnel(roughly either side of the hand brake)**

2x back of sills

2x boot floor(these are also the seat belt mountings for the back seats)**

2x rear body crossmember

The bushes are roughly 60mm across and have a locating step on them of 27mm and the bolts are 7/16UNF, the mountings marked ** are different as they are "eye" bolts that allow pivoting and bushings so you get to discount 4 of the 14, but these still need to be lengthened.

Any feed back in either thread would be great, lets us know if we are helping or not.

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