
New Member
Hey guys another random question from me, Has anyone here built themselves a bobtail and had it IVA'd? ive read so much conflicting infomation on various forums about it all im a little bit confised :(

My ideal thing would be to either have a chat with someone about it whos done one or even better if theres someone in the bucks area who wouldnt mind me poking about and asking some questions for some beer tokens :)

Any help would be great!
It does seem a bit of a minefield and I suspect a lot of people who have bobtailed stuff haven't IVA'd just done it and kept quiet.

Has bob sed anything about his ban from here? It's all a load of conjecture at the moment. If ya don't want to say I'll understand.
to be honest ive not really spoken to him about it. ive been way too busy winding him up about his drivers door falling off from the bulkhead being rusty :p
Doun't you just bob the body on a rangie? If you don't touch the chassis I don't see why they should be interested.
^ yeah, don't cut the chassis, will be handy having the fuel tank sticking out at the back. will make a handy step for when you're washing the roof.
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Ha! You know what I mean. If you ain't changing the chassis, the you are just cutting body panels, so why an IVA?
my rr is bobtailed have had no iva and its insured as a bobtail and all the alterations and modifications are declared

Yes, same here but I did mine before the SVA came in (and can prove it) so it isn't an issue for me but that doesn't answer the OP's question.

After the SVA came in it was a bit of a 'grey area' because it hinged on the local DVLA office interpretation of what constituted a radical chassis modification. For some, chopping out a couple of feet and gluing the cross member back on was ok, for others..not ok.

Now there is no doubt. Any chassis mod equals IVA and Q plate.

I can't answer the original question but I suspect the lack of answers is almost an answer in itself. For most people the idea of the IVA is just too much hassle and expense. My brother once put an imported, totally standard Disco through the old SVA and the grief was unbelievable. Took him 4 attempts and he ain't stupid.
there is such a massive grey area over it all if i wasnt so set on doing it the idea of all the pencil pushing ****ers would put me off. makes you wonder how long i could get away with it for :p
there is such a massive grey area over it all if i wasnt so set on doing it the idea of all the pencil pushing ****ers would put me off. makes you wonder how long i could get away with it for :p

I'm not sure it needs reregistering at all - where exactly in the laws, does it say a radically altered vehicle WHICH IS ALREADY REGISTERED, actually needs to go through obtaining a registration plate etc again? It might be they interpret reregistering for any change of the V5's details, eg address, owner, fuel type, body style etc. So if you bobtail, say a Range Rover, but keep it as an estate car - what alters on the vehicle, which is on the V5?

It might be in the instance above, its when its bought/sold that the new owner needs to go through the admin, but an existing owner doesn't need to.

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