You'll find no two other members on here are more clued up on the Diesel than The Wammer and Datatek.....

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There is the procedure for FIP timing in there - needs to be set up on a Dial Gauge and the tollerenaces are in the thousands of an inch to get it right.....
You'll find no two other members on here are more clued up on the Diesel than The Wammer and Datatek.....

Get hold of RAVE land rover service factory manual RAVE download land rover resource, service manual, workshop factory manual, download, rave, vehicles including discovery, series, defender, range rover, freelander, LR3, Handbooks, Catalog, Catalogue, Land Rover Inte

There is the procedure for FIP timing in there - needs to be set up on a Dial Gauge and the tollerenaces are in the thousands of an inch to get it right.....

Pump timing ain't causing that Ant.
so your considering ECU fault then Tony?

Don't have a clue. But only thing that can cause that is fuel quantity solenoid at flat out. That is what controls the engine speed as directed by the ECU via throttle potentiometer. The percentage throttle required is fed to the ECU from the pot. The ECU then moves the solenoid to increase fuel until the crank sensor detects the requested speed. That speed is then maintained. We don't know what has been done to it thus far. What pump it has on it or what has been fiddled with. It is quite impossible to start trying to offer advice in that circumstance. If it is running like that and there are no fault codes i would be very surprised, there just have to be. There should be a raft of them. That would be the start point. Just doing what he is doing now is foolish.
Considering the Diesel ECU isn't OBDII - I guess only a Bosch specialist can read the ECU - does the Nanocom or Hawkeye read the Diesels??
Considering the Diesel ECU isn't OBDII - I guess only a Bosch specialist can read the ECU - does the Nanocom or Hawkeye read the Diesels??

Nanocom does, don't know about Hawkeye. Nothing on the diesel is OBDII.
Considering the Diesel ECU isn't OBDII - I guess only a Bosch specialist can read the ECU - does the Nanocom or Hawkeye read the Diesels??
Nanocom, Faultmate, Hawkeye, Testbook, some versions of Autologic and I believe Omiscan. That's about the lot.
Fip top internals jamming !!

Only thing that will cause that is the fuel quantity solenoid being drive to the flat out position. It is driven electromagnetically by the ECU against a return to idle spring. He needs to do a bit of diagnostic work the ECU HAS to have fault codes. Running the engine with one of the controls disconnected is not the way to go about things. He pretty obviously does not have a clue what he is doing.
Only thing that will cause that is the fuel quantity solenoid being drive to the flat out position. It is driven electromagnetically by the ECU against a return to idle spring. He needs to do a bit of diagnostic work the ECU HAS to have fault codes. Running the engine with one of the controls disconnected is not the way to go about things. He pretty obviously does not have a clue what he is doing.

None of us know what daft tampering has taken place, the FIP has been changed, that's why I reckoned to start with the basics, i.e. FIP timing. Once that is correct, as you say Tony, unless the ECU is dead there will be fault codes. However I have heard of the engine running amok if the top of the FIP has been removed and incorrectly fitted.
Pointless trying to do owt without everything connected and some decent diagnostics kit.
Soon it's going to go bang:eek:
None of us know what daft tampering has taken place, the FIP has been changed, that's why I reckoned to start with the basics, i.e. FIP timing. Once that is correct, as you say Tony, unless the ECU is dead there will be fault codes. However I have heard of the engine running amok if the top of the FIP has been removed and incorrectly fitted.
Pointless trying to do owt without everything connected and some decent diagnostics kit.
Soon it's going to go bang:eek:

I have already said that Keith, how can you try to sort a problem when you don't know how much tampering has been done. The only thing to do is make sure everything is returned to standard and go from there. If the pump top has been off and the fuel quantity pin is miss located the delivery control shaft could be anywhere. He needs to get someone who knows what they are on about to look at it. It could be a long process.
I have already said that Keith, how can you try to sort a problem when you don't know how much tampering has been done. The only thing to do is make sure everything is returned to standard and go from there. If the pump top has been off and the fuel quantity pin is miss located the delivery control shaft could be anywhere. He needs to get someone who knows what they are on about to look at it. It could be a long process.

I was just agreeing with you Tony, you gave a lot more info than me, I couldn't be bothered to go beyond the check FIP stage as the guy obviously was not interested in a logical diagnostic proceedure:D
I was just agreeing with you Tony, you gave a lot more info than me, I couldn't be bothered to go beyond the check FIP stage as the guy obviously was not interested in a logical diagnostic proceedure:D
Quite agree, which is why in my first post I said put it all back together properly, don't run it with the induction pipes not attached, don't let the poor thing bang off the end of the rev counter and then post a sensible video - without it all plugged and plumbed in correctly we'll all just be chasing rainbows for the answer....
I was just agreeing with you Tony, you gave a lot more info than me, I couldn't be bothered to go beyond the check FIP stage as the guy obviously was not interested in a logical diagnostic proceedure:D

Yeah appreciate that Keith. No slight intended, if that was the impression i gave. Sorry if that's the way it sounded. It's people asking for an expert opinion then saying they know more than you, if that's the case why ask. If he brings it here will sort it for him. It may take time and there would be a large fee involved.
Quite agree, which is why in my first post I said put it all back together properly, don't run it with the induction pipes not attached, don't let the poor thing bang off the end of the rev counter and then post a sensible video - without it all plugged and plumbed in correctly we'll all just be chasing rainbows for the answer....

I once followed a rainbow, it fell right in the middle of my garden. I dug for a few moments and found a chest full of gold bars. I then went on holiday to an exotic island, had lots of fit nubile birds stroking various parts of me. One asked me to move over on the sun lounger so she could lay down beside me. I rolled over as she had asked. Fell out of bed banged my head and went for a pee. :D:D
I once followed a rainbow, it fell right in the middle of my garden. I dug for a few moments and found a chest full of gold bars. I then went on holiday to an exotic island, had lots of fit nubile birds stroking various parts of me. One asked me to move over on the sun lounger so she could lay down beside me. I rolled over as she had asked. Fell out of bed banged my head and went for a pee. :D:D

Thought u was telling us about ya holiday for a minute then.... :D
I once followed a rainbow, it fell right in the middle of my garden. I dug for a few moments and found a chest full of gold bars. I then went on holiday to an exotic island, had lots of fit nubile birds stroking various parts of me. One asked me to move over on the sun lounger so she could lay down beside me. I rolled over as she had asked. Fell out of bed banged my head and went for a pee. :D:D

Jeez it happenned to you too then!!:D:D:D
Thought u was telling us about ya holiday for a minute then.... :D

No just a quite break in the sun for a couple of weeks. Nothing special, good company and a few bevvies. Highlight being buying tobacco for £220.00 that would cost £578.00 here, smokers really are being screwed for no good reason.
Rant over.

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