
New Member
Currently waiting for RAC collection, have medical finals in 35 hours!

Dropped friend home after working all day, thought"I know I'll go for a drive, that'll clear my head and give the car a nice run"

Head off, duel carriage way, down some lanes to see bits of Norfolk I haven't seen before, turn round as want to get to bed, pull onto a47 and after flooring it to get away and then after half a mile temp is on the red!

Pull in, water gone, top of rad seems blown, diagnosis of new rad needed? Did have it at full revs when I pulled away (I know my bad)

Advice/help much appreciated!


P.s even more irony, told my dad that he needed to floor his sport more often that's why it was running rough and that's what went through me head when I gave it some welly, oh the bloody irony! This luck better mean I pass this exam
Currently waiting for RAC collection, have medical finals in 35 hours!

Dropped friend home after working all day, thought"I know I'll go for a drive, that'll clear my head and give the car a nice run"

Head off, duel carriage way, down some lanes to see bits of Norfolk I haven't seen before, turn round as want to get to bed, pull onto a47 and after flooring it to get away and then after half a mile temp is on the red!

Pull in, water gone, top of rad seems blown, diagnosis of new rad needed? Did have it at full revs when I pulled away (I know my bad)

Advice/help much appreciated!


P.s even more irony, told my dad that he needed to floor his sport more often that's why it was running rough and that's what went through me head when I gave it some welly, oh the bloody irony! This luck better mean I pass this exam

Fingers crossed for you!
its getting picked up by the excellent JSF this afternoon and they are going to try and fit a new rad this week for me and give it a once over.

on the positive side, least it didnt happen on the m25 on the first day of placement!

also turns out you should only use genuine rads as a replacement, the others will just keep blowing!
no leaking overnight onto drive and had a good peep in the engine in the light. did you use genuine rads?
brit part rads will always keep blowing, Kevin as JSF was telling me he put 2 in a row on a car once, finally used genuine and no problems, its to do with the valve system or something, only genuine rads have the correct set up.

back on story, now have Rodney back, not been a good week, break down monday night, was rogered sideways with a purple chisel for 5 hours of finals exam on wednesday (most the girls were in tears walking out, the blokes just went straight to the bar) then yesterday £780 bill!

Turns out the water pump impeller failed, built up pressure, expansion tank lid didnt release it, so BOOM goes the rad. oh well, its back now, and the impeller is hanging on the wall in my office!

thanks for you kind words and help guys, is there a way to join/donate to the forums upkeep?

thanks for you kind words and help guys, is there a way to join/donate to the forums upkeep?


Glad yer sorted, coulda been worse (hgf)

To donate, look at the bottom left of the header banner and click on the word 'Donate!' ;)
done and done! yes, head gasket could have been a nice start to an already bad looking summer!


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