
A week or so ago i noticed my defenders front axle was squeaking, the squeaking is not affected by braking, but is affected depending on which way I am steering. I presumed it was a wheel-bearing but on inspection found there wasn't any play in either bearing, I then checked the axle oil which I found to be full of silver specks. When I ran the car in gear with the wheels jacked up of the floor it sounded like there was a rattle coming from the drivers side swivel (which was leaking badly). I found the cv was badly worn and replaced it put everything back together, changed the oil, new seals on the swivel, and it stilll squeaks ! any ideas ?
I had similar on my 90 recently, turned out it was a worn UJ on the front prop. Check yours for wear by turning the prop by hand. While connected up mine only had 1-2mm of travel but when I got it off it was well knackered
A week or so ago i noticed my defenders front axle was squeaking, the squeaking is not affected by braking, but is affected depending on which way I am steering. I presumed it was a wheel-bearing but on inspection found there wasn't any play in either bearing, I then checked the axle oil which I found to be full of silver specks. When I ran the car in gear with the wheels jacked up of the floor it sounded like there was a rattle coming from the drivers side swivel (which was leaking badly). I found the cv was badly worn and replaced it put everything back together, changed the oil, new seals on the swivel, and it stilll squeaks ! any ideas ?

I had a squeek when turning when my shock absorber went (well actually the turret broke....), I replaced both shocks, turrets and springs, and it went away :)
Thanks for the replies, i had read about the ujs and i do have a bit of wear in one so i took the front prop off and drove about with diff lock on and there was no difference! regarding the shocks could they make a constant squeak ? mine is constant almost like a brake binding although even hard braking doesn't stop it ! aargh !
Thanks for the replies, i had read about the ujs and i do have a bit of wear in one so i took the front prop off and drove about with diff lock on and there was no difference! regarding the shocks could they make a constant squeak ? mine is constant almost like a brake binding although even hard braking doesn't stop it ! aargh !

Ah sorry I misunderstood, mine was effected by turning (it only happened when turning, or going over bumps), and wasn't affected by braking....

I guess the next step could be to put the front on axle stands, take rear prop off and run it, being very careful. If it happens there, you know its at the front, if it doesnt, swap round and check back.

Then you should be able keep narrowing it down from there on in.
Have you checked the PS pump belt tension?

Have you checked that you don't have any air in the PS fluid?

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