
Need to give my rad a good flushing, any suggestion???

Have done the rad flush in the car but the centre part of the rad is still blocked! I have now taken it off, just wondered if there is something I can get that will give it a good cleanout. If is doesnt work then I will be binning it!!!

Thanks in advance!!! Les :)
Series 3 rad by the way if that helps
Take it off, fill it with coca-cola, leave for a couple of hours and watch all the **** pour out!


If you leave in it too long it rots the joints!
Ok we'll just filled with coke, now leave for 2hrs :)
Hope it works, was craving while pouring it in lol
Hi spunka, took stat out a while ago when started eliminating! At one point though blown head gasket but positive it's the rad.

Ok rad flushed with my favourite drink (kept the JD out though). More crap from rad. Quick run round the block and better but still think I need to change the bloody thing lol

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