
New Member
rate then i'm trying to take the prop shaft off and managed to get the front of at the IRD but can't seem to tempt it away from the VCU,

any ideas cause i'm about to attack it with a huge hammer ,
I do this by unscrewing the bolt to give a distance between the bolthead and the cruciform of the UJ sufficient to insert a cold chisel such that when whacked it pulls the UJ away from the VCU. When it moves a bit, unscrew the bolt a bit more to narrow the gap and use the chisel again, repeat the process and soon it's off. Works for me. Not a lot of force is required. Good luck.
thanks peeps, i'll pop out now and give it a bash with a chisel, only prop i might have is i haven't got owt suitable to un do the bolt.

i'll let you know how it goes,
Or put a pry bar inbetween un lever it all nice un gentle. . . . .NA wack it ard wiff the chisel sounds best. . . .:D
splendid. it's off.
hammer and chisel didn't work cause i didn't have room to swing it but a mate brought me a E14 torx socket so i could get the back prop shaft off.

so the whole thing is off now, until winter that is.

thanks for the help and pointers tho you 3. much apreciated.
splendid. it's off.
hammer and chisel didn't work cause i didn't have room to swing it but a mate brought me a E14 torx socket so i could get the back prop shaft off.

so the whole thing is off now, until winter that is.

thanks for the help and pointers tho you 3. much apreciated.

strange after me day out yesterday - i took my rear prop off today, used 6" cold chisel and lump 'ammer, didn't even jack it up and still had room to swing me 'ammer, all in took 20 mins - it'll go back on next time we play out:D
strange after me day out yesterday - i took my rear prop off today, used 6" cold chisel and lump 'ammer, didn't even jack it up and still had room to swing me 'ammer, all in took 20 mins - it'll go back on next time we play out:D

Ere Daz, I've been going Mondo mode since 2001, but I gotta hand it to you, your the first to remove the rear part in situ, only ever done so on the bench.

Do you think a quick release mechanism is possible?

I mean 20min, come on man, I can have the whole prop orfe in that time :p ;)
i must have missed summat then cause i couldn't seperate the 2, also couldn't undo the nut that attaches it to the VCU but not to worry cause i got there.

although i must say in the wet it wheel spins alot, (TC) light has been having a rate party since monday. all good fun tho
Ere Daz, I've been going Mondo mode since 2001, but I gotta hand it to you, your the first to remove the rear part in situ, only ever done so on the bench.

Do you think a quick release mechanism is possible?

I mean 20min, come on man, I can have the whole prop orfe in that time :p ;)

whole prop off in 20 mins and an hour to put back on spent aligning the support bearings. Its sooo easy just removing the back bit, dunno about quick release although I had a look under a jcb 3cx and it had transverse brake disc on the prop which I presume activates drive to the front wheels by locking on a brake:D maybe something similar could be fashioned

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