
Dyed-in-the-wool 100% RR Junkie
Full Member
Quick Q if I may,

Need to change Blend Motors,

Read and re-read most things I could find on the subject.

From those in the know and who have done it....scale of 1-10 how difficult is it really?? (1 is warm knife through butter - 10 is cracking rocks with a tomato)

I understand the work isn't desirable, but is it really as difficult as they say?

not had to do it on mine but using the info on RAVE as well as on looks like it's a bit of a bugger but can be done without having to rip out the dash. Looks like a score of between 5 & 7 to me.
Mine needed doing last year. Normally unless a job is too heavy ( i dont have garage or lifting gear,) I will have a go myself, but after reading all the info on changing these i took it to my local indy to do. Just looked too much of a fiddly PITA to try and if you get half the dash out and then cant get the job finished for some reason your fooked. Just my opinion of course. Cost parts and 4.5 hours labour.
Quick Q if I may,

Need to change Blend Motors,

Read and re-read most things I could find on the subject.

From those in the know and who have done it....scale of 1-10 how difficult is it really?? (1 is warm knife through butter - 10 is cracking rocks with a tomato)

I understand the work isn't desirable, but is it really as difficult as they say?

I consider myself a fit 50 year old (as in I can still run a 100 yards and not need oxygen :)) But I found the biggest pain in the bum was the lack of flexibility in my body so the air was blue, occasionally!! The 500 piece interchangeable screwdriver set my Ma & Pa bought me 10 years ago for Xmas that I had never used proved invaluable.

Apart from that it wasn't too bad. It helped having another motor to use because I got the hump occasionally and found downing tools for a while usually helped matters!! And that is so much easier to do when its not your only means of transport.

Lastly, and you probably know this already, change the heater O-rings whilst you're at it. I also changed the heater temp sensor.
i replaced the o rings on mine last year, took two days. its not too difficult but very time consuming.
last week i had to replace a blend motor, the one for temp control on right side.
i got at it by removing the instrument panel and the ducting, as there wos only one defective i cut the wires and soldered in the replacement.
it only took 3 hrs.
I replaced the right blend motor on my LHD DSE and it's a pain. The job itself is not difficult but access is a pain, as fortgrange mentioned (and I consider myself a fit 30 year old).
It took me a whole day to replace the motor but I had some problems with the replacement unit not working correctly at first. IIRC I spent 3 hours to get the motor out and about 2 to get it back in and finish everything up nicely. Now that I think about it, it's probably the worst job I ever did on the P38.
yes i am a specalist but i can do the "O" rings and the blends and recalibrate in 4 1/2 hours dead easy
So we can deduce that as long as you hold the World Record for a top level contortionist Blend motors aren't to bad....and if you know your mustard, they can be done in a day or so....

Maybe I should just buy a hat and Gloves for winter...I am 6'3" inflexible and I have HUGE maybe this is one I should give a miss.
Depends on your hands!
If youve got small hands should be 5-6 if youve got big fat clumsey hands like mine its gona be a 11

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