I've done a quick search but not really had any joy.

Basically the freelander bleeps at me every time I start it, as if the battery is flat in the remote. I replaced the battery, with an Energizer 2032 (so not a cheap potentially dead one), but the car still goes nuts every time I get in it. The fob works perfectly,even better with the new battery. I'm going to try another battery today, just to eliminate that cause.

Is there an underlying problem starting to surface that anyone knows of? Or has the freelander just decided to start greeting me every day?
Did you need to re-synchronise the remote after the battery was changed?
Is the bleep there until you start the car or after the engine is running?
No, I didn't need to re-sync the fob, and it's working perfectly. It mostly does it the second I start the engine, however today, I got half a mile down the road and then it decided to beep at me. it just gives the quick 5 or 6 blips and then it doesn't do it until I restart the car again. I can't check the other fob today as it's not here with me, however I'm sure my partner said it did it to her as well.

I remember it bleeping last year, so I changed the fob battery and all was fine after that. Although I'm sure when it did it last year the little red led flashed on the dash at the same time, where as I'm not getting the led come on this time.
Ok if re-synchronising wasn't needed then the fob hadn't powered down completely, so it might not know that new batteries were fitted.
However I don't believe your problem is the fobs as those tend to give a warning bleep before the ignition is switched on. If bleeping is heard while driving, maybe it's loosing the immobiliser code for some reason?
What year is the car?
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Yeah that's a possibility. Is the immobiliser chip in the key or the fob? I'm sure I read somewhere it's in the key.

I may also try removing the battery from the fob for a bit, to let it power down and drain completely, then I can rule that out too.

It's a 2003 facelift, TD4 Sport.
Disconnect the car battery, reconnect it, and recalibrate the rear window as that can beep.
Hmmm, just popped to the shops and used the other key. It bleeped as soon as I started the engine. However when I came out of the shop it didn't do it. It's giving me a brain ache now! I might try new batteries again, just in case the other ones were naff. failing that I'm running out of ideas!
Thanks longdog, I may give that a try. I did replace the rear door a couple of months ago as the missus reversed into a pillar. I has all been working fine, but it's another thing to eliminate I guess..
For what its worth mine beep a few weeks ago when starting and it proved to be a very discharged battery causing the problem. New battery and voila , no beep!
Well, I drained the fob, put another new battery in it, synced it, and so far no bleeps. Perhaps the new battery was naff after all...
The battery could be fine. I believe that the fob sends a low battery data steam to the receiver, triggering the beeps. However if the fob isn't fully discharged when the battery is changed, the fob continues to send the low battery signal.

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