I note it's "Fitted with Ø42mm cap and suitable for most European models." Will that fit a 109? Won't you need an imperial fitting?

I am taking a keen interest in this because I will soon start work stripping my 109 front axle to fit to my 88. Wondering if it's worth bothering now.
Yeah. Cap doesn't fit. One more hurdle! I've just ordered the universal adaptor kit and will report back when it arrives.
i for one feel sorry for you series brakes are a bastard to do.
mine still aint right power bleed off air line is the next step tim fry landys
had it a long time ago with my series 3swb tried everything did not work

until i took it to them in anger told them to sort it out they put it on ramp conected their power bleeder seconds latter rock hard pedal air hides everywere in a series landy.

Feckety feck and friggity frig.

Pressurised the system to 10psi and it held steady for a couple of hours. Put about 2L through the system under pressure, no more bubbles. Adjusted the adjusters out and still no pedal.

When the pressure vessel was still connected to the reservoir but de-pressurised and open, I was pressing the pedal and noticed fluid moving in the clear pipe from the res to the pressure vessel. I reckon I got a dodgy master cylinder, I does.
It has been anything but, James. But that's more to do with parts failing and incorrect hoses supplied. Been a catalogue of clusterfecks.

In your esteemed opinion - does pressure coming out of the reservoir (out on the pedal push and back in on release) point to a faulty master cylinder? I've fitted a new one but it could of been knackered out of the box.
Some higher being really dun't want me driving my Landy...

I finally found a motor factors who said they could get a master cylinder for me, costing a bit over the odds and £60 plus VAT (the OEM spec one from Famous Four is £35+) and it would be there at half eleven.

"Great" thought I, I could get the offending item off, drive down, pick it up, come back and fit it and possibly get it in for the MOT in the afternoon.

Think again.

I got down there at just after 11. They had had a battery delivered in error and didn't have my number to call me.They'll have a replacement by four.

As it's a two hour round trip I decided do some stuff such as collect and drop of some plants for a planting project I got on (linky), look at some Japanese Maples (if anyone reading is in the market for an acer or three let me know, I've found an awesome source with lovely plants at very reasonable prices), had a hair cut and got back there at four.

They'd had the wrong one delivered - apparently they're labelled up wrong (3/4" rather than 1"). So I got to drive down there this morning. What a ball ache!
DONE IT!!! Reet chuffed, me.

Fitted the new master cylinder what I picked up this morning. The old one was actually fine - there is a little bit of back pressure through the reservoir, not a lot. So I've got a spare for my expedition box!

I connected up the pressuriser thingamajig, pressurised the system and asked my dear old mum to pump the pedal for me and hey-presto, loads of air came up. Adjusted the cams in the drums and fine-tuned the adjustment nuts on the master cylinder thread and now I've got one helluva pedal.

Job done.

If anyone needs use of my pressuriser to bleed their brakes in Dorset or nearby, I'll be happy to help. Although bribes of cakes, tea and/or beer would be appreciated.
The old one's fine 'cos it was me mum pumping the pedal while the system was pressurised that sorted it and got them pesky bubbles out!
The old one's fine 'cos it was me mum pumping the pedal while the system was pressurised that sorted it and got them pesky bubbles out!

with the new cylinder or both , a good cylinder will bleed up with no pressure using pedal and 1/2 dozen strokes

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