If its not back together yet, you can reinforce the clutch fork with an extra bit of plate welded behind where the push rod goes. Standard mod whe more placing the clutch. also use a small tie wrap to secure the rod to the clutch fork so if at anytime you need to replace the slave cylinder you won't accidentally drop the pushrod into the bell housing and then have to take the gearbox out again. That's funny NOT

Top Tip of the day!!! Might save you a lot of time.
This is my 2nd post, posted earlier but it has not appeared. I have just replaced clutch master/slave cylinders in disco 2 (250,000 miles +). I cannot get gears.
We have bled the system several times and now followed a previous posters instructions of wedging the pedal down overnight. If this doesn't fix it what's the next step?
Thanks Steve
try clean oil can fill with brake fluid put a lenth pipe on nozzle other end on bleed nipple and reverse bleed keep eye on master cyl

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