ah !now you see if you was sarcastic instead of trying to be, that would be a whole a whole other story.
mondo said:
Nope! Guess not clivees:p :D

Did you get yer nips out olmasters????:eek:

Yeah, I'll try and remove them tomorrow. I hope thay are easy to remove once heated. This my first landy project, so if they dont free, I may go insane and fry my hair with the gas torch. I think I'll heat up the nipps then put touch them with a candle. The wax idea suggested earlier in the thread sounds like a good idea... Wish me Luck, I'll report tomorrow
I hope you've bin givin em a squirt of release oil while you've bin reading all this????

Good luck!!!
Bugger! I had a go at the breaks yesterday starting with the rear brakes first. Guess what, both nipps sheared off. So five minutes later of to my local motor shop. They wanted £40 for each brake cylinder (non genuine)! What a rip off. So when I returned I phoned John Craddocks, £6 each! Aparantly there is noo difference between non genuine and genuine. As I am on a budget build I went for the cheaper option. I have also realised that 3 ports on my 5 way splitter valve have larger holes than the standard fitting on my new brake pipe kit. They are the same size unions used for early deffender and series 3 clutches (pipe leading out of the master cylindar) I realisedthis after trauling to the local breakers and looking for unions (unsucessfull). I can find the unions nowhere at all. I spent hours yesterday trauling around motor shops with my ever anoyed mum at the wheel. For some reason she was more anoyed than me. And I have to complete a landrover restoration before the end of the holidays. Does anyone know the size of the 3 unions I require or where to buy them. Any help in the search for these items would be verrrrry greatfully recieved.

Ollie :(
Hi, I also need to undo the clutch nipple. Do I follow the same ideas used for brake nipps. Also, what do i do if the nipp snaapps off like on my brakes? By release oil, do you mean a wd40 like liquid?? :confused:

olmasters said:
By release oil, do you mean a wd40 like liquid??

I certainly do/did, but not at the same time as applying heat,unless you like flame throwers.:eek:

dont forget when you refitting new bits to use some anti-siezing compound (copperslip),makes life a lot easier when it come to removing bits in the future

good luck!;)

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