
Hi all.
i have decided to fit an electric window to my 1994 defender , have managed to get hold of a regulator with backing plate and loom, so should be an easy fit.
My issue now is the door card . do i go to the expense of a new card, or blank the winder hole off . has anybody done this neatly, and could you make some suggestions of how to do it cheaply.
make the winder the switch but connecting a plate to it and two return springs to keep it in the middle
I cut 2 discs out of an old door card and glued them over the holes.
I'm faced with the same issue. First thought that came to mind was to mount a pair of Tweeters there to improve the sound system. Not sure about depth though.
Grey gaffa tape signed by a local celebrity or tweeter speakers/covers... is anyone really going to notice they dont work?

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