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hi all,
I am trying to get insurance on my Defender td5 90 (1999) and as it is my first car and first policy at 17, a black box may be the way forward for cheaper insurance.

Having rung one particular company I was told I could get a quote with them however once the guy on the phone had talked to their underwriter apparently their black box couldn't be fitted in it.

Is there any issue with fitting/having a black box installed in a td5? I could understand there being a problem with earlier landys however the td5 has an ecu + obd which I though was all that was needed for a black box.

Any help appreciated thanks!
Black box is probably designed to work on OBD 2 systems, which the td5 is not compatible with.
Black box is probably designed to work on OBD 2 systems, which the td5 is not compatible with.

Thanks for your answer I didn't realise there was a second version of obd ports. Is there any way that this problem can be solved (i.e. OBD1-OBD2 adapter ?). Cheers!
Most black boxes work off of telematics / GPS (and thus are standalone) rather than relying on OBD information to work out speed / braking etc. Probs easiest just to try a different company that uses standard tech
My understanding is that you can plug into lighter port, just google it. My son is on his second year of having black box. Dave.

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