
Full Member
Hi all,
Can someone tell me what's in the big black squarish box on the LHS of the engine bay, right up against the bulkhead? Behind the EAS and cruise actuator? Big snake of cables coming out of it and can't even see how to get at it!!
4.0L thor engine
Maybe the Warp drive ECU, you are lucky to have one of those not many were fitted. Seriously i don't have a clue, photo may help. It's not ex police is it?
Sorry, thought it would have been an obvious one
Engine Management ECU on Thor Engines?
They put it there to encourage water ingress.
Ah ok that makes sense! Thought I'd read it was under the passenger seat.
Any idea how to open it? Seems well attached to something, somehow
The lpg loom has some wires going into it. If I'm going to replace the lpg loom then I'd like to see where the existing wires go and do a decent job
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