
Well-Known Member
The wipers on my 300TDi work seamlessly on slow and intermittent, however if I select the fast option the wipers then appear to struggle to move more than an inch before then just stopping. Not sure what the culprit could be other than a dirty or sticking motor. It's the fact that the wipers try to move before having to stop when engaging the fast option. Has anyone ever come across this before and whats the best way to clean the motor.?!
I had this issue, the way the motor is wired (it has three brushes) makes me think there is more torque available on slow setting than there is in high. If the motors power is constant then torque goes down as speed increases. While I had my wipers apart I replace the wheel boxes and rack, not because they were stiff but because they were loose and noisy. I also stripped the motor apart and got rid of all the hard grease, cleaned the commutator with a fibre glass pencil, cleaned all the shaft bearing surfaces, checked that all the brushes were long enough and the springs good. Lubricated the bearings / gears and reassembled and it worked (and still does) a treat. Changing the wheel boxes and rack really quietened the wipers down but I don't think it changed the load much so I'm pretty convinced the motor strip / clean solved the speed issue.
Do all defenders have intermitent wipers?, mine is a G reg 1990, slow and fast work perfect, but no Intermintent?
Low speed should be about 45 wipes per minute and high 65 if you believe the manual, haven't timed mine but I would guess close to that.
Do all defenders have intermitent wipers?, mine is a G reg 1990, slow and fast work perfect, but no Intermintent?

Intermittent started to be fitted a couple of years after yours, about 1991; manual says from VIN HA455946 - (example part number for harness see PRC8295)

Mine is 1989 flick, off, speed 1, speed 2.

Am I worried about Intermittent = not as yet;)
Could also be a poor earth as this has a direct affect on wiper speed.

That's what I initially thought and purposefully checked each connection. surprisingly I found that they were all clean firm connections. It's bizarre as the wipers work very well except when you select 'fast', they try and then just stop. :confused: :)
Here's what I'd do.

Disconnect the two 12v supplies from the motor and swop them over. If you switch the wipers on to slow and they run fast then you have a switch/wiring problem. If they do the jerky thing as before, you have a duff brush in the motor.
Here's what I'd do.

Disconnect the two 12v supplies from the motor and swop them over. If you switch the wipers on to slow and they run fast then you have a switch/wiring problem. If they do the jerky thing as before, you have a duff brush in the motor.

Clever sod :p :)

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