
Well-Known Member
I changed the timing belt yesterday - took me a lot longer than anticipated as the crank pulley really didn't want to let go,bolts snapped on puller, etc, etc. In the end the old Landy rule of hit it with a hammer, and if that don't work get a bigger hammer, did the trick.

Anyhow, ended up putting it back together late and in the dark and I think I messed up the timing a bit. Cranked over twice by hand and every thing seemed to line up. She'll start, just, and only tick over. I'm guessing I'm a tooth out. I'm going to do it again with the pins in the right places and see but does anyone have any thoughts...?

Actually, first I'm going to loosen the 3 Injector Pump bolts and tighten the pump against the pin in case it's a bit retarded.

Yeah, if you leave the pins in the right place, with the plate undone and loose enough to move you shouldn't have a problem.

First time I did mine the flywheel pin dropped out, presumably whilst moving the belt about, but I noticed that the crank pulley had moved (keyway was off-centre) before I tightened anything up.
If you are doing it with the rad still in try and use a mirror so that you can get a square-on view of the cam timing mark. Easy to get misaligned if looking down from above rather than directly at it

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