Been running 2001 TD4 manual for 5 months now on 80% bio 20% diesel, no probs, i have asked loads of question to the right people and they all say its ok. just remember to change the fuel filter after about 500 miles or when you notice a massive difference in speed. just takes a while for you to get used to the smell !!!!

Just do it..........

Hi, I'm thinking of running my 2003 TD4 on the stuff, has any body tried this and did they have any problems, or do folk prefer to run a mix. I've found a supplier who can supply bio fuel that meets current standards (as seen on forecourt pumps). I have a TU3 on it and RoverRon doesn't see a problems.
Let me know what you Know.
user manual specifically says don't do it

OK ... so do you believe that?

In fact, do you believe anything a car maker or dealer says?

There's not much you can do about it as almost all pump diesel now contains bio anyway, whether we like it or not. The local knackery renders down all the fallen stock, and the animal fat (including from horses I am pleased to say) is taken half a mile up the road and cooked into BioDiesel, which is then taken to the refinery and tipped into the DERV tanks.

Solve the problem. Contact LandRover and ask them WHY Bio is not a suitable fuel.

They have no valid answer.
Bio is a better fuel, produces more power, less pollution, and is a much better lubricant and system cleaner. Good bio has no downsides.

OK ... so do you believe that?

In fact, do you believe anything a car maker or dealer says?

There's not much you can do about it as almost all pump diesel now contains bio anyway, whether we like it or not. The local knackery renders down all the fallen stock, and the animal fat (including from horses I am pleased to say) is taken half a mile up the road and cooked into BioDiesel, which is then taken to the refinery and tipped into the DERV tanks.

Solve the problem. Contact LandRover and ask them WHY Bio is not a suitable fuel.

They have no valid answer.
Bio is a better fuel, produces more power, less pollution, and is a much better lubricant and system cleaner. Good bio has no downsides.

Thanks for the info. Found this site which may prove helpfull.

Biodiesel Approval
been running mine TD4 2001 no mods straight 80/20 mix no probs. saving a fortune and only had to change the fuel filter after 500 miles.
OK, sounds like it's time to hit SWMBO's pantry.

Or when you can feel the acceleration deteriate, some TD4's i know of dont change the fuel filter over until about 5 full tanks of bio!! m ine took 1 tank then needed doing. its only a one off so its a cheap swap.
Or when you can feel the acceleration deteriate, some TD4's i know of dont change the fuel filter over until about 5 full tanks of bio!! m ine took 1 tank then needed doing. its only a one off so its a cheap swap.
the only problem with bio un the td4 is the stupid rear pump 2000=2004 [in tank pump] this struggles wiff diesel never mind bio , its the rib cage filter that gets clogged with ****e ,and when you start using bio , all the ****e starts to lift in the plastic tank and then clogs up the pump. . . .my recommendation is start on a week mix ,say 10% for a month [then change filter] then up it ,[your system will slowly clean] don't go above 50%mix or you'll have cold start problems and even werser glaze yer feckin pistons. . . .so you've bin warned earthlings. . .
I run my freeloader toady4 on baby bio. then again I run my v8 air portable on nitromethane methanol mix. mmmm fumey....
If my calcs are correct, over one year (12000 miles) you should have saved £1.98 on fuel costs... put in 2 low press pumps, a set of injectors and a new head. Performance will drop from about 12 bhp to a little over ten. about the same as a defender. any further questions vis running a freelover on what amounts to pressed hippy juice, please direct them to my shrink.
oh sorry forgot to mention my top tip for improving freelounger performance. Simply add one gallon of super plus unleaded to your tank. You will notice gains throughout the rev range for about three miles....then it will go bang. One less for me to pull outta ditch when it snows.
oh ok. my wife just told me not to be mean. I have gone 10% corn since 2002 with her td4. Expect low press pump noise when cold. also, best to bypas the fuel cooler during winter.. Its huge and doesnt help matters. disconnenct at the bymetalic valve and use flexible rubber fuel pipe to create the bypass. I use 10mm copper pipe to create a more permanent u shape. mmm warm fuel. after about an hour of running your ten gallons in the tank will read 11!! miracle.
yes. use 10mm copper pipe to create a bypass in the fuel cooler circuit. sorry I thought I had explained that and the reason for doing so. the fuel cooler is nearly 3 feet long on a td4 and as such creates a problem for users of oil. try lifting the bonnet of one and looking before leaving facetious comments. mong indeed
try lifting the bonnet of one and looking before leaving facetious comments. mong indeed
well its just that being a bit new to bio un mechanical fings,silly me thought that copper un bio was a no go. . . .but wot doe's mong knows anyhows:) :) :)
Why is copper and bio a no no Ming??
you know why loaty. . . .but jist fer the record ,it corrodes big time the particles will float into yer high pressure pump ,feck up yer jectors un fings, but wot dus i know. . . .:D

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