Whereas you're likely to be fleeced on the way in at Newark! by the organiser/landowner... usually bloody expensive whatever the show at Newark.
For a LR venue it has to be Billing.:) I have been going there from day one when trade stalls were just on one road, that's before the Discovery, I then went to Warwickshire (some where) for one year and then on to Peterborough but only twice.
Just copied this from a post a friend made, He has been to newark showground to meet the LRM organisers and seen the plans for the improvements at billing. As well as a letter to a major trader who won't be going to Billing this year.

saw the plans today for billing and they are to take out the entire carpark and most of the road infrastructure, a further 170 statics will be inplace by the time the billing show would have started and they are reducing the permittted camping down by more than half! and if you think that was bad they are charging 20% more than lrm last year. and wil not be offering a refund if the show was to be cancelled due to rain! i take it we would have lost our money then!
Whereas you're likely to be fleeced on the way in at Newark! by the organiser/landowner... usually bloody expensive whatever the show at Newark.

On the contrary Billing is going to be 20% more expensive this year than last years. and every child has to be paid for. Not only is Newark going to be cheaper but every child will have free admission so the cost of a couple taking 3 kids for a days visit to newark will be £15 at Billing it will be £42 (£35 family ticket + £7 for 3rd child.
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Actually just checked and it's 30 miles to peterborough (approx) and 50mile to billing. but it'll still be cheaper to go to newark oh and camping is £20 a night at newark LRO Won't even put their camping prices on the site.
only got mi landy last summer so am looking forward to going to newark only half an hour away thats if corus dont fook my rota around like they are now
:):confused:Having been to Billing for the second time in 10 years i found the show site to be very smaller than before.
I have been to Newark show ground for rallying and the kitcar show I found the site to be fine even in the wet.
I have seen a list of the trade going to Billing as any one got a list of the trade going to Newark
Regards Jim
:):confused:Having been to Billing for the second time in 10 years i found the show site to be very smaller than before.
I have been to Newark show ground for rallying and the kitcar show I found the site to be fine even in the wet.
I have seen a list of the trade going to Billing as any one got a list of the trade going to Newark
Regards Jim

yes LRM have the list on their site.
i go to nreark show ground quite a lot,auto jumbles most months an tractor shows.and no matter wot the weather it is always well drained and easy to access.unlike billing!
The way I see it is this.

Problem is if people keep booking Billing then they will keep putting improvements to their site off,

Punters need to decide for themselves to go or not as it doesn't matter how many traders book Billing or Newark it's down to the general public to decide on what venue they attend, if your not happy with Billing and its set up then don't go.

I do attend autojumbles @ Newark quite regularly and haven't found any problems with the site or facilities, I'm not going to Billing unless they sort themselves out, even if Newark is cancelled.

Land Rover Max 17th-19th July 2009
The trouble is the traders have to second guess the punters, and go where they are, but half the punters go where the traders are, a bit of a chicken and egg situation.
i think newark is a gud show ground,but it would be nice for it to be held somewhere a bit more rural and pretty,somewhere like belvoir castle or chatsworth.it would make it a bit more appealing fa peeps wanting to camp.
:):confused:Having been to Billing for the second time in 10 years i found the show site to be very smaller than before.
I have been to Newark show ground for rallying and the kitcar show I found the site to be fine even in the wet.
I have seen a list of the trade going to Billing as any one got a list of the trade going to Newark
Regards Jim

If you go back and have another look. You'll see that right at the bottom it says 2008 exhibitors list.

Nene overland have just posted this on several forums.

Nene Overland Billing Statement

Nene Overland, Hannibal and Exmoor Trim have been given either free or heavily discounted spaces at Billing in an attempt to attract punters!

Yes there are some serious issues with Billing but no-one at Billing cares about those so we will replicate the Billing show that people know and expect. Others are going to Newark (we have already exhibited there twice previously but the prices at Billing are cheaper so we make more money from the punters)! There really cant be another Land Rover show at Billing without having the same problems we've experienced year in year out - terrible toilets, thieving, flooded fields and a Billing management that jsut don't give a **** about any of our or your complaints. We're hoping that it will prevail as the best show at the best time of the year to generate the best atmosphere and largest volume of show goers and traders alike the chances are that we've ****ed it up for everyone and the majority of punters are fedup of Billing and will be going to Newark. Fellow traders and public don’t sit on the fence, - a point to remember at Billing as there isn't one - it's a public thief-of-way so no fenced in area. Show your support so we can all enjoy one successful Land Rover show in July rather than chancing two weaker shows going head to head as there will be no winners if that is allowed to happen. Another point to note here is that there's only a head to head going on since we "booked" Billing after the Newark show had been announced.

Just remember which magazine will have by far the most powerful marketing medium to attract us all to Billing, which will still be where most will go. We have exhibited at all the Land Rover shows for many years, none of the other shows come anywhere close to replicating Billing for volume of people, overcrowded camping areas, static caravans taking valuable show and camping space, volume of complaints, things stolen, toilets not cleaned or functioning and general lack of security. Just remember the positives (I can't think of any at the moment but when I do you'll be the first to know) and help give Billing a new lease of life supported by the premier Land Rover magazine and the premier events organiser Live Promotions. We've got to support it because the Billing management are only interested in the aforementioned static caravans. Their security is a joke, traders, individuals and clubs have all reported things getting stolen - nothing done. Groups were wrongly escorted from Billing because their security got it wrong and wouldn't know their arse from their elbow.

For the record I respect all who have differing opinions over this crazy situation but until everyone shows their hand and support for one of the shows this situation will not be resolved. I personally will be showing my hand this year to Billing - unfortunately for them it's got two fingers pointed upwards at the end of it.

Please get off the fence and get the madness sorted. Don't be an arsehole - go to Newark.

All at Nene Overland, Hannibal and Exmoor Trim who's really hoping this type of propaganda works, chances are slim though.
I have been to all the Billing shows except 2008 It use to cost £5 for the car to enter now it's £14 per person no wonder the trade spaces can been given either free or are heavily discounted.

I think unless your new to Land Rovering or want buy something spicific, then these LR shows are getting a bit 'old hat' as every show where ever, is the same.
just heard dont know how true or not that newark isnt doing that well some stalls are packing up like i say dunno how true if true at all

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