kevin cottrell

New Member
hia just looked on lrm website and the billing show in july has been cancelled and moved to newark showground????? can anybody shed any light on why this is? and know what the facilities are like there ? camping off road course etc :confused:
theres no explanation on web site why they decided to change? cant see billing wanting to bin them off,and they are calling it LAND ROVER MAX! could be a mistake with the credit crunch kicking in a lot of people dont like change
i know there was some issues with marshall training going wrong with some of them going off piste and being idiots upsetting the landowner giving a local club they belonged to a bad name getting banned from training and helping out but they were there helping out due to lack of marshalls at the event Jai
True, for the off road course just do what TopGear do and drive over the caravans
Billing is still on apparently. Seems the landy mags are playing spiteful brats with each other. LRM has decided to leave Billing due to the fact it's a waterlogged heap of **** that's rife with crackheads off the adjoining estate and tossers among the landrover world robbing people blind and stripping each others landies on the campsites.

So LRO been the friendly caring Mag that it is. Has stepped in and decided to **** on LRM's bonfire by hosting a show at billing on the same weekend.

Childish fooking twots int they.
well thats easy then, go nick some stuff off wagons at Billing and go sell them at newark..

**** that i hate thieving little scum bags like that... If i ever see anyone going near a landy.. heads will be caved and explored with a spoon
I have heard that billing are spending £9million this year on improving the facilities? we'll see if it makes a difference? I will still be at billing selling CB's and accessories, it will have an effect on our trade thats for sure!!
why would you still want to go to billing and sell cbs when the show will be at newark??

Because if you bothered to read the posts. You'd have seen that Billing is still on and on the same weekend. LRM ran it last year and have decided to move it to newark this year. So LRO been the bastids that they are, have decided that Landrover shows aren't there for the landy owning public. They're about making money and ****ing off the opposition, and so they've approached Billings management and arranged to hold a landrover show at Billing on the same weekend.
I have heard that billing are spending £9million this year on improving the facilities? we'll see if it makes a difference? I will still be at billing selling CB's and accessories, it will have an effect on our trade thats for sure!!

Lets hope most of that has been spent on drainage, toilets & showers. Security, Oh and anti ramraider bars in front of the cash machines.
it'll be newark fa me,cos its on mi door step!and cos its a very gud showground,i dont know where the offroad course ul be tho?
so what your saying peeps is that lro is doin 2 shows this year what the point in that? and why would they shurley that would spoil peterbourgh show never mind ill b trying newark should b better as they have got to pull out all the stops to make it a good one there mitew even b sum mud there
so what your saying peeps is that lro is doin 2 shows this year what the point in that? and why would they shurley that would spoil peterbourgh show never mind ill b trying newark should b better as they have got to pull out all the stops to make it a good one there mitew even b sum mud there

Nope Billing and Peterborough are several months apart. But they do run the risk that if they make a bollocks of Billing that people will avoid Peterborough show as a way of protesting.

My view is that LRO are trying to score points off LRM and hoping that by running Billing on the same weekend. Newark will fall flat on it's face and LRM will lose money on the deal.

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