What ****ed me off the most was the fact they had put bales of straw in the walkways, but not bothered to actually spread it about.It was almost like they expected the stall holders to do that.
Was a right shame really.
A lot of the stall holders seemed totally unprepared for the fact that the show ground would be a sea of mud. Frankly, it's a pity that the invisible organisers didn't have the guts to call the whole thing off instead of making sure they got their sticky little mitts on as many tenners as possible. They have left a big impression on me, my fellow visitor and a lot of other visitors who won't be coming back next year.
Not condoning or complaining, but to be fair to the organisers (LRM) they did not get the tenners ... Billing did! That's not to say they didn't do okay out of the event financially as there were still the campers and traders (there again Billing may well have got some of the camping too), but Billing were the ones who arranged the straw and non-distribution thereof - not LRM.

Thought you should know.
Begining to see why LRO told Billing where to get off following the demands for a higher rent for hosting the show. There are far better equipped venues that the show could be held at. Billing is out of date, under developed and short of amenities.
Not condoning or complaining, but to be fair to the organisers (LRM) they did not get the tenners ... Billing did! That's not to say they didn't do okay out of the event financially as there were still the campers and traders (there again Billing may well have got some of the camping too), but Billing were the ones who arranged the straw and non-distribution thereof - not LRM.

Thought you should know.

No need for thanks, it’s just that folk don’t realise what goes on behind the scenes at shows and just thought that someone should enlighten them. Can’t blame them either, for they rightly want value for their £10.

And by the way, if it had been held at Kelmarsh, it would have been ten times worse. The ground at stately homes is beautiful when dry, flat and luscious, but any kind of deluge and you’re done for. It happened to me organising shows at Weston Park in the Midlands back in 1997 and again at Shuttleworth, Bedforshire in 2004. Well trodden ground like at Billing has been compacted over the years and should take it, but the monsoon at Billing 2007 was something else … no wonder it became a mudbath!

Sorry Dave, we all know it wasn’t ideal but as others have said previously, it’s a Land Rover show – ADAPT, that’s what we LR owners do best!
Well i’m off to Kelmarsh in about 3 and a 1/2 weeks with the Series 2 Club and i hope its a lot better, i have been told camping and amenities are better and they have 3 very good off roading courses that have not long been built, its over a long weekend and i’m hoping all this rain will give up by then, like Tom says its flat, and that’s not a good thing, water cant drain away so easy
then, i know that organisers were changing the Kelmarsh because they were disappointed with billing, but that didn’t come off (Politics & rivalry i believe) but i wont go in to all that.....because i don't care!!
I have read with interest everyones comments about the mud etc!!
We were there from the Tuesday and it was great until the rain on Friday. I found the organisers (ie LRM/Billing) lack of preparation for such weather very disppointing - I travel to many Shows (Inc. Great Yorkshire & Lincs County) and as soon as there is any rain at any of these venues there are tractors out putting wood chip and straw down as it is in there interest to keep the venue something like.
The straw that arrived on the Sunday morning was just a little to late!!
Apart from the bad weather we had a great time - after all we are British and supposedly Land Rover fans maybe the Sticker companies should do a new sticker.
So in my opinion the only thing that could've been done was for the organisers (LRM/Billing) to distribute straw etc on the Friday afternoon of first thing Saturday and repeat it again on the Saturday teatime ready for Sunday - (they say people learn by their mistakes but we'll have to wait and see - hopefully we won't see weather like that again in summer for a long time!!)
Just because I am mug enough to run a Land Rover, put up with nasty comments from the anti 4X4 brigade, suffer the endless oil drips and water leaks, doesn't mean I am willing to be ripped off at an event whereby half the stalls were unreachable due to the thick sea of mud that appeared over Friday night. The organisers should have cut the £10 admission price- simple as that.

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