
I attended Billing on Saturday and what a slop it was. The traders were surrounded by ankle deep mud, and some of them appeared a little miffed. The displays were good, especiallty the Land Rover experience. In terms of toilets and food, the site was again struggling to supply enough of both. Anyway. As an official anorak, it was an ok experience as I managed to buy a pair of wellies to help my progress. I would be interested to hear from other experiences.
Yep, spent four days there. Thursday and Sunday were lovely and the sunny afternoon as we were packing up meant that all our kit went away dry!


Four days!!!!! Want a resilliant chap you are. I am glad to hear that you got some sun. I was holed up in a pub on Sunday watching F1 and awaiting a flight home. I just wonder what the site looks like now. All the best. John
I was there! Complete with wellies and three sets of boots - forgot additional socks, so you might guess how difficult it was to buy some on site on Saturday.
Friday afternoon was terrible, Saturday was still awful, but not quite as bad, Sunday was better, as the sun came out. We were warned of the possibility that the sluice gates on the canal night be opend if the town was threatened, so it was a little unnerving at times. Camping was not the easy option, with many leaving early, both on Saturday and Sunday.
The off-roading course was fine, although some of the interesting bits got fenced off as being too dangereous. Didn't see much of the arean shows as they were not always being run to schedule due to the bad weather. A minor scuffle broke out Sunday morning, to add to the enjoyment. No one hurt, apart from pride.
Summary, the event was almost killed by the weather, but it survived (Just!)
We we there Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Arrived Friday afternoon and a quick walk down from grange farm confirmed it. we were not prepared for all that mud.

Saturday am. left camp site in search of children sized wellies for kids and some cheap clothes for them. Within the hour we were returning to the site..... after 90 minutes of sitting in traffic jam on A45 we final go back...

We are not complaining, The show was GREAT!!! We all enjoyed it...including the mud . Its A Land Rover Show, it got to have mud.
Just one thing very few P38's

We will be there next year.

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