Well finally got around to changing the radio and fitting a CB today. Haven't removed the centre console before but it's as easy as it gets. Was a bit shocked to see what gubbins follow the gear lever knob off when you pull it out (on an auto) but there you go.

Anyway, as I refitted everything I checked all the electrics as I went along, no problems, and then refit the gear lever knob. Checked the HDC was working and the little LED display in all the gears etc. Put it back into park and happy days.

15 min later it won't come out of Park when I fired up the engine. Oh bollocks. Lots of head scratching and plug rechecks etc, can't find out what's wrong and worry is setting in.

15 minutes after that I decided it would be a good idea to put my foot on the brake before I try selecting a gear!!!

I do that too although probably worse is on a Monday when I jump in taxi to start work I still think I'm driving an auto
Also the panic when you have accidentally put it into manual mode when parked and cannot under stand why the lever won't move out of park with your foot on the brake.
It's been 2 years since I sold my auto and I occasionally stall my manual, as my brain is still in auto mode. One foot driving..............I miss my auto.

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