
New Member
Dear All,

A massive thank you to all the zoners last year who helped me beat my target of £200. This year I am trying to raise a minimum of £300 (I pay all costs on top of sponsorship) doing the Exmoor 4x4 challenge for a very worthwhile charity called Wooden Spoon which helps severely disadvantaged children. I know there are great demands on your time and money (like additions to landrover, taxman, local pub, other charities etc....) but if you could take a look at my charity page at and donate what you can (even £1 would be great) the kiddies and I would be very grateful.

Thanks again

So this aint anuvva Stumpy wind-up then?

Just because I may have inadvertantly in the past without realising it said the wrong thing I get a bad name life is so unfair:(. No this is the real deal you gave me £10 last year if you remember which was very very generous:D
Just because I may have inadvertantly in the past without realising it said the wrong thing I get a bad name life is so unfair:(. No this is the real deal you gave me £10 last year if you remember which was very very generous:D

Kinell! I musta had a rush of blood to the head!
Yer know what they say about Cornishmen - they're like Scotsmen with the generosity knocked out of em. :eek: