not worked on it for a 12month. Winter came....Then Lockdown.....and as its parked up outside my mums ,had to social distance so couldnt work on it through the summer, then 2nd wave came and more lockdown, more social distancing....blah blah blah.

so its just sat there :(
Hi peeps

It’s still there.

Sadly, due to circumstances and I’ll health (my back) means I’m not going to be able to finish it.

I have got all new parts to go on., including Shocks, springs, callipers, disks, poly bushes, loads of replacement stainless steel stuff…….the list is endless !!!

Box sill, rear arch parts , boot floor parts,

Just need cutting out and welding.

Will need trailering away from Newport
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I’d be keen on doing a deal in new parts mate I.e shocks etc but don’t need another shell. Hope your keeping ok. Keep your chin up mate
Hi Resto

I’m hoping to sell it on as a part finished project, but if I can’t, I’ll get back to you with what I’ve got.

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